Saturday Night Live "Fantasy Characters Come To Life" Skit - Funny Or Insulting?!?

by Jay Cochran
September 29, 2014
This past weekend NBC's long-running comedy series Saturday Night Live ran a skit which featured the show's guest-host Chris Pratt (Guardians of the Galaxy) along with several of the other current regulars on the show which forgive me, I haven't watched Saturday Night Live in years so I am not really familiar with any of the current cast. Anyway the skit which if you missed can be seen below thanks to NewRex who posted it on YouTube.

In the skit we see one of the actors portraying someone who plays with action figures. Now obviously the actor is an adult though it's unclear if in the skit he is supposed to be portraying an adult collector still living with his mother or a young kid. I am going to say he is supposed to be a kid since his sister is seen also still living in the mothers home. Either way the kid is basically portrayed as a dork with no friends in his life other than his action figures which he ends up making a birthday wish hoping they come to life, which of course they do. His He-Man and Lion-O figures come alive right their in his kitchen. The characters are completely clueless about everything but soon discover that they really like cake and touching themselves in their private parts. He-Man and Lion-O are then joined by She-Ra who has also been brought to life and they begin to trash the kitchen when the mom comes back in and decides to invite the pair of life-sized action figures to her hot tub.

So initially when I saw this skit I thought it was kinda funny but then I thought as an action figure collector it could also be deemed somewhat insulting. Assuming that the intent of the skit wasn't to depict an adult action figure collector as someone who still lives in their mother's house with no job or friends, it still depicts the person with the figures as a friendless dork who can't get anyone but his mother to attend his birthday party.

So here is the question of the day, as I assume most of you who come to this site are action figure collector in some capacity, do you find a skit like this funny or insulting, even to the point where it may make you embarrassed to admit you collect action figures to non-action figure collectors?


Last 10 comments - ( Read All Posts )
DarthJoe - 2014-10-02 @ 4:54 pm

How anyone could be offended by this is beyond me. I actually thought it was pretty funny. If you didn't think it was funny when they were patting their crotches, you probably need to pull the stick out of your ass. Lol

FUGAYZIE - 2014-10-02 @ 3:07 pm

i thought the costumes were pretty great.

Monkey_Shuttle - 2014-10-02 @ 2:08 am

The most egregious thing about the skit was the anachronistic reference to Toy Story.

Other than that, it was just an SNL skit. I can't imagine how anyone could possibly get butt-hurt over it.

featofstrength - 2014-10-02 @ 1:30 am

Wow... Love SNL much?

Yikes...and I was about to bring up other horrible tv institutions like the Simpsons and PBS! Bullet dodged!


megachickmagnet - 2014-10-01 @ 7:55 pm

Wow... Love SNL much?

I don't think anyone here was offended by the skit, unless they're one of those crybabies.

ActionFigures - 2014-10-01 @ 7:16 pm

Are you a freaking idiot? First of all, it's obviously supposed to be a kid in the sketch. Mother's don't tend to talk to grown children living in their homes that way. Secondly, if you identified AT ALL with the kid in that sketch I think you may need to examine your own life... not the sketch that caused you to feel so bad about yourself. When i first read the headline, I couldn't even fathom who might've been insulted by that sketch. Maybe Lion-O and He Man would be offended except they're fictional characters. This story is ridiculous.

...and SNL is still great. Stop comparing it to the past and just enjoy it for what it is now.

If you really look at the original episodes half the time we're supposed to laugh just because John Belushi showed up on screen in a samurai outfit... before he'd even done anything yet. They actually have to work much harder to make it funny these days and it's all lost on your dumb asses because you just want to see John Belushi in a Bee outfit or something. Get over it, the man is dead. It was hit and miss even back then too you know.

...and those of you who say it hasn't been funny since Mike Meyers clearly don't appreciate the genius of Will Ferrel.

Even today, the fake TV adds they do are awesome, weekend update is always funny, and there's even a good sketch here and there.

If you think you can do better then go ahead and make your own Fing sketch show except you won't because you can't and it would suck. Stop dogging the people who are actually trying to do one.

benvoliothefirst - 2014-10-01 @ 3:00 pm

It's pretty obvious that the point of the skit was, "What if toys came to life, but they were mentally blank." The fact that there was only one kid at the party was a reason to have less people on the set at a time and streamline the skit.

I think if you're offended by this, you're probably being a bit too sensitive.

And wow, Lion-O's costume, makeup and hair were SPOT ON... gives the cosplayers something to live up to. If someone came to a Halloween party in that pitch-perfect getup, they'd win a costume contest for sure.

mako - 2014-10-01 @ 11:31 am

The really twisted part of all this is that the costumes, Ariana's big-ole '80's hair not withstanding, are actually pretty good.

Wheeljack35 - 2014-10-01 @ 8:19 am

My favorite era was that in the mid to late 80'a too early 90's

jedimaster-c - 2014-10-01 @ 12:03 am

Well, Don Pardo passed away. so, yeah SNL is not doing so hot. When you had John Belushi, Dan Ackroyd, Bill Murry. Those were the greats. I even like Mike Meyers and Dan Carvey. After that it went down hill from there.

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