Greetings from
Crave, the marketplace for fans by fans. This week we have added a
Matches page to Your Crave! Check out who is after what's in your collection and who is selling the figures you are after by
clicking here! Also, our New Buyer Promotion continues into January. Make your first purchase on Crave this month to earn cash back from us!
Our usual batch of fresh G.I. Joe listings are below as well. Enjoy!
Check Out Your Custom Match Page!
Looking for a vintage Luke Skywalker but do not know who is selling? Want to know if anyone is interested in your Darth Vader bust? Then check out the
Matches page we have added to Your Crave. The
Matches page shows you both the number of users selling your most sought after figures and the number of people looking for the figures you already have. This is just one of the many ways Crave is making it easier for you to buy and sell online. Enjoy!
Get $5 Back From Crave in January:

Crave is still celebrating new buyers in 2012! We have extended our new buyer promotion through January. If you make your first purchase on any Crave site we will send you $5! So grab that vintage Cobra Commander you’ve been craving, build your collection, and get cash back!
Click here for details or visit
Crave G.I. Joe to start shopping!
Fresh Listings from Crave G.I. Joe:
Below you will find a grouping of fresh listings from Crave G.I. Joe. Also, don't forget that you can visit our other marketplaces as well:
Click here to visit our Transformers Marketplace
Click here to visit our Star Wars Marketplace
Cobra Shock Trooper - Elite Combat Trooper
For sale by Xray Bandicoot
Series: Pursuit of Cobra
Condition: Packaged - Sealed
Price: $10.00 (free shipping!)
Operation Flaming M.O.T.H.: Pacific Theater Chuckles & Shipwreck
For sale by Toy Palace
Series: Direct to Consumer, 2007 Exclusive
Condition: Packaged - Opened - Complete
Price: $20.00
For sale by Rish Outfield
Series: 25th Anniversary
Condition: Packaged - Sealed
Price: $11.11 (free shipping!)
For sale by Johanthon Sylvester
Series: 25th Anniversary
Condition: Packaged - Sealed
Price: $6.50
Spirit Iron-Knife - Tracker
For sale by Nate Millis
Series: Pursuit of Cobra
Condition: Packaged - Sealed
Price: $18.00 (free shipping!)
Sting Raider with Copperhead & Swamp-Viper
For sale by Shean Grant
Series: Rise of Cobra
Condition: Packaged - Sealed
Price: $16.00
Cobra Bazooka Trooper
For sale by Johanthon Sylvester
Series: 25th Anniversary
Condition: Packaged - Sealed
Price: $6.25
For sale by Toy Palace
Series: Direct to Consumer, GIJCC Exclusive 2006
Condition: Packaged - Sealed
Price: $11.00
Dreadnok Ripper
For sale by Nate Millis
Series: 25th Anniversary
Condition: Packaged - Sealed
Price: $12.00 (free shipping!)
For sale by Todd Miller
Series: Classic Collection, 1989
Condition: Packaged - Opened - Incomplete
Price: $25.00 (free shipping!)
Start Selling on Crave - it's Free!
Selling on Crave is free, easy, and safe. Here are some of the benefits:
-It is 100% free for sellers
-No Time limits for listings
-We promote your listings to fans of your products on Facebook, Twitter, and Forums
-You do not have to list exclusively with us
Click here to get started!
You can also join our
Facebook Page to stay up to date with Crave, promotions, and news on G.I. Joe figures and the franchise in general. Or, follow us on
Twitter @crave_gijoe for daily listing highlights!
Erin Turner & Kabe Robichaux (Crave founders)

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