Great News SourceFans!
This week we have many new figures instock on the site including:
MP-11S Sunstorm,
AM-17 Swerve,
AM-18 Airrachnid, and
AMW-07 to 09 - New Micron Weaponry! We have a bunch of new preorders like
Asia Exclusive Henkei Classics Ultra Magnus,
, BTS-05 Summer Sun Exclusives - Sunbite & Solar Flare - Color Change Exclusives!! A
MP-11S - Masterpiece Sunstorm
2. Updated Masterpiece Photos from Takara Tomy!
Takara Tomy has released updated photos of MP-14 Red Alert and MP-13 Soundwave! You can preorder both of them, along with the popular MP-12 Sideswipe here:

TFsource - Your Source for Masterpiece figures!
3. Huge TFsource Restock/Warehouse Cleanup!
We've just gone through and done the biggest restock/warehouse cleanup in a year! Hundreds of amazing items now back instock, due to canceled or duplicate orders, things like City Commander Trailer set, MP-05 Masterpiece Megatron, Crossfire sets, Encore & Bookstyle reissues and more! Hundreds of great rare items just put back instock so don't miss out!
Henkei Classics - Ultra Magnus - Asia Exclusive!
5. Now up for preorder: MW02B - Mini Warrior Black Rager!
This was a Japanese exclusive, TFsource will have a limited amount of stock available instock next month! Preorder yours here:
Transformers 2012 - Generations Series 02 - Bruticus Set of 5!
7. Japanese Transformers Prime Update!
We have many Japanese Transformer Prime figures instock this week including AM-17 Swerve, AM-18 Airrachnid, and AMW-07 to AMW-09 Arms Micron weaponry! You can order them all at TFSource here:
Updated AM-21 Arms Master Prime Photos
Takara Tomy updated their website with updated photos of the AMW10 - AMW12 figures, and we have cleaned up the images, and loaded them on our site! Preorder these new Arms Micron weaponry here:
BTS-05 Summer Sun Exclusives - Sunbite & Solar Flare - Color Change Exclusives!
9. Source Blog Updates!
New Source Article! It's a long weekend, why not indulge in the latest source articles! Check out the last article by Maz "Contentment" here:
New Source Interview! Check out the latest interview with none other than Marco Van Leeuwen over at the TFsource Blog! We are extremely impressed by the extent of his collection as well as the depth of his interview responses. Read on here: — Source Blog - Collectors Corner - Marco Van Leeuwen
New Source Review! Impossible Toys Kranax has just hit the shelves and Philip breaks down all the details on this new figure!
10. New Knight Morpher Preorders Up!
Preorders up! KM-05 Knight Morpher Screecher, KM-06 Knight Morpher Stormer and KM-07 Knight Morpher Warper! These custom figures from Mastermind Creations are set for an October & November release date - preorders up here: Be sure to check out the new review of this Add-on Kit by TFsource Sponsored Reviewer Peaugh by clicking
TFC Toys - TFC-007 - Rage of Hercules Add-on Kit
Now up for preorder - TFC Toys Camera Bot Photron! A modern spin on a vintage classic - preorder yours here:
TFC Toys - Camerabot - Photron
Now up for preorder - TFC Toys Project Uranus! We have the first two figures, Eagle and Phantom up for preorder! Order both and get combo pricing and save! Pricing is close to final, but will not increase! Preorder yours today here:
There will be one figure shipped a month (randomly determined by TFCC) starting in January, so preorder your favorite today! TFSource will carry a limited amount of stock of each. Also the MW-03 & 04 will be released around the end of the month!

TFsource - Your Source for iGear Custom Figures!
14. Now Instock: Reissue Sixshot!
This Asian market exclusive looks amazing in person, with all the metallic paint apps and collectors packaging! Preorders are already being processed and shipping out - limited stock remaining order yours here:
Reissue - Asia Exclusive Limited Edition Sixshot - Metallic Color Redeco!
15. The TFsource Summer Sale Continues! With Asia Exclusive Alternities!
We have great prices on the Alternity Goldbug and Dai Atlas - part of more than 100 great Transformers items up to 75% off, check them all out at the summer sale here:
. What do you think? Preorders available here: TFsource - Your Source for MakeToys Custom Transformers!
MP-11S - Masterpiece Sunstorm
Japanese Transformers Prime - AM-17 - Swerve
Prime - AM-18 - Airrachnid
iGear - PP05W - Weapons Specialist
iGear - PP05M - Medical Specialist
Headrobots - Blood DX - Upgrade Kit!
Reissue - Asia Exclusive Limited Edition Sixshot - Metallic Color Redeco!
Japanese Transformers Prime - AM-01 - Exclusive Battle Shield Optimus Prime
TRNS-03 Alicon Figure by Impossible Toys
TFC Toys - TFC-007 - Rage of Hercules Add-on Kit
TFC Hercules - Summer Sale Bundle with CrazyDevy Parts!
Henkei Classics - Ultra Magnus - Asia Exclusive!
Transformers 2012 - Generations Series 02 - Bruticus Set of 5!
BTS-05 Summer Sun Exclusives - Sunbite & Solar Flare - Color Change Exclusives!
Dream Maker - WFC-02 - Meg Add On Kit
Dream Maker - WFC-01 - Op Add On Kit
TFC Toys - Camerabot - Photron
TFC Toys - Project Uranus - F4 Phantom
TFC Toys - Project Uranus - Eagle
Source Points - TF Source
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