Greetings SourceFans!
Now that our Black Friday Sale is over, we're moving on to our Annual TFsource Holiday Sale! Save BIG this Holiday Season on over 100 items up to 75% off, deeper discounts taken off existing sale items, lots of new items added, Generations, TF Prime, something for everyone, check it out! Be sure to also
enter to win a $500 Holiday Shopping Spree by clicking here. We are restocking many rare and hard to find
Fansproject &
Make Toys items (including City Commander!). Preorder now for when the restock arrives. We have many new preorders on the site, including
Beast Hunters,
KRE-O Combiner Kits,
Generations Data Disks, Reissue Commemorative Series and many more!
KM-06 Knight Morpher Stormer is en route to our warehouse!
New Recruits,
New Source Article, Source Interview and more... in this week's SourceNews!
In this issue of SourceNews:
1. TFsource Holiday Sale and Enter to win a $500 Holiday Shopping Spree!
2. Arms Micron New Preorders and Instock items!
3. Fansproject and Make Toys Restock!
4. Now up for preorder at TFsource: Beast Hunters!
5. TFSource New Recruits!
6. Reissue Commemorative Series - Preorders Up!
7. Now up for preorder: KRE-O Combiner Kits and Generations Data Disks Rumble & Ravage, Frenzy & Ratbat!
8. Now Instock - Henkei Ultra Magnus!
9. Masterpiece MP-12 Sideswipe now instock!
10. Now up for preorder: Lucky Rogers Junkion Add on Kits!
11. Now up for preorder: Headrobots Drone add-on kit!
12. Now up for preorder: Asia exclusive Henkei Seeker Jet Set Elite: Ramjet, Thrust and Dirge!
13. TFC Toys Project Uranos SR-71 Blackbird - now up for preorder at TFsource!
14. Toyworld Grind Rod instock!
15. Encore #23 Fortress Maximus - Now up for Preorder!
16. Now up for preorder: Transformers X Optimus Prime Super GT1 & GT2!
17. FP-DX Armored Battalion - Set of 3 - Limited Edition Holiday Exclusive by Fansproject - Preorder up @TFsource!
18. Source Blog Updates!
19. Newest Instock items at TFsource
20. Newest Preorder items at TFsource
1. TFsource Holiday Sale and Enter to win a $500 Holiday Shopping Spree!
Save BIG this Holiday Season with the TFSource Holiday Sale! Over 100 items up to 75% off, deeper discounts taken off existing sale items, lots of new items added, Generations, TF Prime, something for everyone, check it out!
Enter to win a $500 Holiday Shopping Spree!
One lucky TFsource fan will win it all! $500 in TFsource shopping credit. Entering is simple, fill out your details and like us on facebook to be eligible! Only one entry per person. 18+ only.
Visit for more info.
2. Arms Micron New Preorders and Instock items!
Now instock: AM-24 Cyrus, AM-25 Nemesis Prime & AM-26 Smokescreen! Preorders are shipping out, all sold out in Japan, order from TFSource's remaining stock here:
Japanese Transformers Prime - AM-24 - Break Down Cyrus
Japanese Transformers Prime - AM-25 - Nemesis Prime
Japanese Transformers Prime - AM-26 - Smokescreen
We have put up a preorder for AMW01-03 set of 3 - Dark Matter Caliber Sword! This one is long ago sold out in Japan, and on TFsource, we relisted as a set of 3, instock soon, Order yours at TFsource here:
Japanese Transformers Prime - AMW01 to AMW03 Set of 3 - Dark Matter Caliber Sword!
TFsource - Your Source for Japanese Transformers Prime Arms Micron!
3. Fansproject and Make Toys Restock!
We are restocking many rare and hard to find Fansproject & Make Toys items (including City Commander!). Preorder now for when the restock arrives.
Fansproject Restock!
Don't forget that Fansproject Assaulter is still Instock! Only this first release stock includes the bonus parts mini model kit, and if you haven't seen this piece in person, it's amazing! In the box it weighs almost 2 pounds and is a very solid piece! Preorders are being processed and will ship out promptly, didn't order yet order yours here before they're gone.
Warbot - WB003 - Assaulter - by Fansproject
Make Toys Restock!
4. Now up for preorder at TFsource: Beast Hunters!
Deluxes and Voyagers listed so far, we'll be adding more great Transformers figures to the site shortly, stay tuned! Preorder here:
TFsource - Your Source for Beast Hunters!
5. TFSource New Recruits!
Lots of great new recruits! Rare G1 Pretenders & Micromasters, Japanese Exclusives and more! Check them out here:
TFsource New Recruits!
6. Reissue Commemorative Series - Preorders Up!
Now up for preorder - Reissues of Reissue Ultra Magnus, Astrotrain and Powermaster Optimus Prime! Preorder yours at TFsource here:
Reissue Commemorative Series Ultra Magnus!
Reissue Commemorative Series Astrotrain!
Reissue Commemorative Series - Powermaster Optimus Prime!
7. Now up for preorder: KRE-O Combiner Kits and Generations Data Disks Rumble & Ravage, Frenzy & Ratbat!
Now up for preorder: KRE-O Combiner Kits! All your fav's! Bruticus, Devastator, Predaking & Superion! Order all 4 and save at TFsource!
Preorders up here:
KRE-O - Transformers - Micro Change Combiner Series 01 - Set of 4
Now up for preorder at TFsource: Generations Data Disks Rumble & Ravage, Frenzy & Ratbat! Just $11.95 per set of 2, or order both and get TFSource combo pricing and save at just $21.95 for the set of 4! Preorder yours at TFSource:

Generations Data Disks Rumble & Ravage, Frenzy & Ratbat
8. Now Instock - Henkei Ultra Magnus!
This asia exclusive comes in an all new color scheme and features metallic paint apps and more! Preorders are being processed and shipping out, didn't preorder yet? Order yours at TFsource here:
Henkei Classics - Ultra Magnus - Asia Exclusive!
9. Masterpiece MP-12 Sideswipe now instock!
Have you picked up MP-12 Sideswipe yet? TFSource Sponsored Reviewer Peaugh has put up a review you can watch on TFSource here:
Don't delay to pick this guy up, quantities are already getting short and we have limited stock remaining!
Masterpiece MP-12 Sideswipe
The highly anticipated MP-13 Soundwave is now delayed by Takara Tomy until late January :( Although pre-sold out, we will likely secure more stock so sign up for the personal assistant on the link and we'll email you as soon as preorders go back up!
MP-13 - Masterpiece Soundwave
10. Now up for preorder: Lucky Rogers Junkion Add on Kits!
Both Medic and Warrior sets are available, preorder yours at TFsource here: Best of all preorder both and save with TFSource combo pricing!
Lucky Rogers Add-on Kits - Preorders Up!
11. Now up for preorder: Headrobots Drone add-on kit!
This great add-on kit includes: new head, new feet design, ski attachments for feet, 2 leg mounted null boxes, Smoke Chrome quad photon gun, Smoke Chrome gatling gun. Preorder yours at TFsource here:
Headrobots - Drone - Upgrade Kit
12. Now up for preorder: Asia exclusive Henkei Seeker Jet Set Elite: Ramjet, Thrust and Dirge!
Due out in late Dec/early Jan preorder this set for just $129.95 from TFSource! Goes great with Seeker Jet Set Ace! Preorder yours here:
Asia exclusive Henkei Seeker Jet Set Elite: Ramjet, Thrust and Dirge!
Also up for preorder: Asia Exclusive Deluxe Seeker Set Ace! Features all 3 Seeker Jets, Starscream, Thundercracker and Skywarp with metallic finish and new packaging! Preorder all 3 at TFsource for $129.95 here:
Henkei Classics - Seeker Jet Set Ace - Limited Edition Asia Exclusive!
13. TFC Toys Project Uranos SR-71 Blackbird - now up for preorder at TFsource!
To answer a popular question: Yes SR-71 Blackbird will include X-45 Phantom Ray! Once we have a better picture of Phantom Ray we'll add it! Preorder yours here:
SR-71 Blackbird - including X-45 Phantom Ray
14. Toyworld Grind Rod instock!
This figure has been instock for about a week now, and the coloring is a deeper green than the photography. We have received confirmation from Toy World that once all the TW-T0 Figures are released, the final figure will contain all the parts to make them combine!
TW-T01 Grind Rod
15. Encore #23 Fortress Maximus - Now up for Preorder!
Don't forget to preorder your Encore Fortress Maximus and get free shipping within the US when ordering from TFsource since this big guy is over $150! International shipping is reduced as well, preorder yours here:
Encore #23 - Fortress Maximus!
16. Now up for preorder: Transformers X Optimus Prime Super GT1 & GT2!
Still think the GTR line is just a remolded Alternity? Preorder yours at TFSource here:
Transformers X - Optimus Prime - Super GT1 & GT2!
17. FP-DX Armored Battalion - Set of 3 - Limited Edition Holiday Exclusive by Fansproject - Preorder up @TFsource!
This limited edition set is now up for preorder, will ship out during the 2012 holidays - We're about 70-75% pre-sold through of what we'll receive of this set, once they're gone that's it! New photos added! Preorder yours here:
FP-DX Armored Battalion - Set of 3 - Limited Edition Holiday Exclusive
FP-DX Armored Battalion Set of 3
18. Source Blog Updates!
New Source Article - REPUTATIONS - Maybe you’re one of the sensible ones. Maybe you remember Transformers from your childhood and you get a kick out of indulging in some nostalgia now and then, watching the animated movie with your mates or taking your girlfriend to see the Michael Bay flicks. Although, if you’re reading this you’re probably a little more involved than that. Be it online communities, eBay, buying from and selling to other toy collectors, you don’t have to go far before you run into the good, the bad and the ugly.
Read More. Reputations | Source Blog
New Featured Collector's Corner 06: Martin Lund! - Martin has an amazing minibot collection and lots of great insights on collecting! Read his interview on the Source Blog here:
Collector's Interview 06 - Martin Lund
New Source Review Up! TJ breaks down the extremely popular iGear Hench! Read on here:
TFSource Review – iGear’s Mini-Warrior Hench | Source Blog
19. Newest Instock items at TFsource
Japanese Transformers Prime - AM-24 - Break Down Cyrus
Japanese Transformers Prime - AM-25 - Nemesis Prime
Japanese Transformers Prime - AM-26 - Smokescreen
Warbot - WB003 - Assaulter - by Fansproject
Asia Exclusive Henkei Ultra Magnus
DOTM - APS-01 - Striker Optimus Prime - Limited Edition Asia Exclusive!
PE-12 - Perfect Effect - AFX Assault Force X - Camera Set!
MP-12 - Masterpiece Sideswipe
TW-T01 Grind Rod
Reissue Commemorative Series Optimus Prime!
Reissue Commemorative Soundwave
GDO Leader Class Ironhide
GDO Leader Class Starscream
KM-05 Knight Morpher Screecher
TFC Toys - Camerabot - Photron
iGear - MW-04 Mini Warrior - UFO
MW02B - Mini Warrior Black Rager!
20. Newest Preorder items at TFsource
Transformers Generations Japan - TG16 Decepticon Data Disk Set Rumble & Ravage, Frenzy & Ratbat
Transformers Generations Japan - TG15 Autobot Data Disk Set
KRE-O - Transformers - Micro Change Combiner Series 01 - Set of 4
Japanese Transformers Prime - AMW01 to AMW03 Set of 3 - Dark Matter Caliber Sword!
Headrobots - Drone - Upgrade Kit
Lucky Rogers Add-on Kits - Preorders Up!
Japanese Transformers Prime - Arms Micron - Gatling Bumblebee - Store Exclusive
CDMW-36 the Kings Power Parts - Thigh and Waist Upgrade!
CDMW-35 Sea Brigade Power Parts - Custom Feet!
Transformers 2013 - Generations Voyager Series 01 - Set of 2
Bandai - Tamashi Nations - King Robot Mickey & Friends!
SR-71 Blackbird - including X-45 Phantom Ray
Asia exclusive Henkei Seeker Jet Set Elite: Ramjet, Thrust and Dirge!
Henkei Classics - Seeker Jet Set Ace - Limited Edition Asia Exclusive!
Crossfire 02 - Colossus Set - Munitioner and Explorer - by Fansproject
Transformers Generations Japan - TG13 Fall of Cybertron - Soundwave
Transformers Generations Japan - TG14 Fall of Cybertron - Soundblaster
Make Toys - Green Giant - Set of 6 Pieces
Encore #23 - Fortress Maximus!
Encore #20A - Constructicons Devastator - Anime Color Version!
MP-16 - Masterpiece Rumble & Buzzsaw
MP-15 - Masterpiece Ravage & Frenzy
MP-10B - Masterpiece Black Convoy - Optimus Prime
Kabaya Dai Atlas Assortment 6 - Candy Toys Assorted Box of 8 Figures
TFC Toys - Project Uranos - F4 Phantom
TFC Toys - Project Uranos - Eagle
KM Airborn Squad Awakening
Asia Exclusive Bruticus Maximus
KM-03X Mirrorverse Cyclops - Limited Edition Holiday Exclusive!
e-hobby - Shattered Glass - Soundwave vs. Blaster Giftset with Cassettes!
Japanese Generations Bruticus
FP-DX Armored Battalion Set of 3
KM-06 Knight Morpher Stormer
KM-07 Knight Morpher Warper
MP-13 - Masterpiece Soundwave
MP-14 - Masterpiece Red Alert
DOTM Leader Class Dark Energon Megatron
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Source Points - TF Source
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