TFsource 1-26 Weekly SourceNews! UT War Lord Restock, New Takara Transformers Preorders!

by Jay Cochran
January 26, 2015
Greetings Sourcefans!
This week we're excited to have several new preorders from Takara, including Transformers-Q, Transformers Adventure, and Transformers Unite - TU-01 Superion! We also have items like Unique Toys - Y01 - Provider, Generations - Combiner Wars 2015 Voyager/Deluxe/Legends Wave 2 & Leader Class Megatron, Fansproject - Function X-V - M.A.D.L.A.W, MP-21G - Masterpiece G2 Bumblebee, and MP-10 - Masterpiece Optimus Prime - Reissue. We also have new instock items like FansToys FT-05T Soar - Red Version, Transformers Legends Series - LG07 Jetfire, and a restock of Unique Toys - War Lord - Full Set of 5 Figures! Our 3rd party clearance sale continues with huge savings on items like TFCon Exclusive Axis & Shafter, Citizen Stack, Tempest, MGT-01 Delicate Warrior and more! Visit the Source Blog for our latest Source Articles, Interviews! And Visit our sister site for non-transformers collectibles! All this and more in this week's SourceNews!

In this issue of SourceNews:
1. New Preorders Up - Transformers-Q, Transformers Adventure, and Transformers Unite - TU-01 Superion!
2. Now Instock - Fans Toys Red Soar!
3. Now Instock - Transformers Legends Series - LG07 Jetfire!
4. Now up for Preorder - Fansproject Function X-V - M.A.D.L.A.W.!
5. New Preorder up - Unique Toys - Y01 - Provider!
6. New Masterpiece Preorders!
7. Combiner Wars - Leader Class & Voyager Wave 2 Preorders Up!
8. Now Instock - KFC - EAVI METAL Phase Four: A - Transistor & HiFi!
9. 3rd Party Clearance Sale!
10. DX9 - War in Pocket - Plague and Medliance and D03i - Invisible - Transparent Phantom Now Instock!
11. ToyWorld Restock!
12. 3rd Party Customs Updates!
13. theToySource Updates!
14. Source Blog Updates!
15. Newest Preorder items at TFsource
16. Newest Instock items at TFsource

1. New Preorders Up - Transformers-Q, Transformers Adventure, and Transformers Unite - TU-01 Superion!
Japanese Transformers Unite - TU-01 Superion - Preorder Up! Featuring a G1 color scheme and includes Slingshot - he's set for a June release! Preorder this Japanese import figure at TFSource here:

Transformers Unite - TU-01 - Superion Set of 5
Transformers-Q - Preorders up! This mini series of bots from Japan are fun little figures, great for a desk! Preorders up at TFSource here:

TFsource - Your Source for Transformers-Q figures!
New Preorders up - Japanese Transformers Adventure (RID)! It's official - Transformers RID is Transformers Adventure in Japan! Lots of preorders up for these figures which may will feature unique decos - check them out here:

TFsource - Your Source for Japanese Transformers Adventure Figures!

2. Now Instock - Fans Toys Red Soar!
Now Instock - Fans Toys Red Soar! This alternate color and more limited version of Soar is now instock at TFSource here:

FansToys FT-05T Soar - Red Version
New preorders up - Fanstoys Spotter and Tesla! Preorder yours today and save $10 off the MSRP here:

FansToys FT-11 - Spotter- Early Bird Pricing - Save $10

FansToys FT-09 - Tesla - Early Bird Pricing - Save $10
Now Instock - FansToys FT-05 Soar - Blue Version! Order yours here:

FansToys FT-05 Soar - Blue Version
Now up for preorder - FT04T & FT04X Limited Edition! This revised color scheme for scoria comes in two variations and is up for preorder at TFSource here:

FansToys FT-04T - Iron Dibots No.1 - Scoria

FansToys FT-04X - Iron Dibots No.1 - Scoria - Limited Edition 1000
Fans Toys updated us with full color pictures of FT-06 Sever - this guy looks great, finally revealed in full color! Preorder yours at TFSource here:

FansToys FT-06 Sever - Iron Dibots No.3

3. Now Instock - Transformers Legends Series - LG07 Jetfire!
Now Instock - Transformers Legends Series - LG07 Jetfire! Order yours here:

Transformers Legends Series - LG07 Jetfire
New Japanese Legends Preorder up - LG13 Megatron! Looks like he's MP-10 scaled and will feature lots of paint apps and a high level of detail Takara is known for! He transforms from tank to robot and back, preorders up at TFSource here:

Transformers Legends Series - LG13 Megatron

4. Now up for Preorder - Fansproject Function X-V - M.A.D.L.A.W.!
New preorder up - Fansproject's Master-V - Function X-5 M.A.D.L.A.W.! Featuring 6 totally different modes of play this piece is due instock later this month, preorder yours at TFSource here:

Fansproject Function X-V - M.A.D.L.A.W.

5. New Preorder up - Unique Toys - Y01 - Provider!
New Preorder up - Unique Toys - Y01 - Provider! Provider stands 21CM/8.2" tall in robot mode and changes from an airplane to a tanker truck, to robot and back. Preorder yours at TFSource here:

Unique Toys - Y01 - Provider
TFsource restock! We've restocked UT's War Lord figure, save almost $200 off the MSRP on this figure and this time the figures are all packaged! On sale at TFSource here:

Unique Toys - War Lord - Full Set of 5 Figures
Now up for preorder - Unique Toys - O-03 Fenrir! The 3rd figure which will combine with the other 4 figures to form the mighty Ordin, preorder yours at TFSource here:

Unique Toys - Ordin - O-03 Fenrir
Now Instock - Unique Toys Alberich! Order yours at TFSource here:

Unique Toys - Ordin - O-02 Alberich

6. New Masterpiece Preorders!
Now back up for Preorder - MP-23 - Masterpiece Exhaust! Preorder yours with or without the collector's coin here:

MP-23 - Masterpiece Exhaust
New preorder up - MP-21G Masterpiece G2 Bumblebee! Includes alternate face parts, a G2 color scheme and a jetpack! You can preorder yours at TFsource here:

MP-21G - Masterpiece G2 Bumblebee
Also up for preorder - Reissue of MP-10 Optimus Prime! This is the Japanese version of MP-10 comes with spike, roller and the trailer/repair bay, preorder yours for $189.99 and FREE US shipping at TFSource here:

MP-10 - Masterpiece Optimus Prime - Reissue
MP-24 Masterpiece Star Saber - Updated Product Photos! Check out these awesome updated MP-24 Star Saber photos including shots of the "Brain of Courage"! Preorders up here:

MP-24 - Masterpiece Star Saber
TFsource Restock! We have a limited amount of the non-battle mask version of MP-21 back instock, or pick him up with the battle mask and coin - available here at TFSource:

MP-21 - Masterpiece Bumblebee - with Spike in Exo-Suit

MP-21 - Masterpiece Bumblebee - with Coin & Battle Mask
New preorder up - DR. Wu - DW-P23 New Partner Set! Includes 2 replacement heads for the exo-suits included with MP-21! Preorder yours at TFSource here:

DR. Wu - DW-P23 New Partner - Replacement Heads for MP-21
Updated product photos of Xovergen - TF-02 God Armor Add on Kit for MP-10! Preoders up at TFSource here:

Xovergen - TF-02 God Armor Add on Kit for MP-10

7. Combiner Wars - Leader Class & Voyager Wave 2 Preorders Up!
New Combiner Wars Preorders Up - Voyager/Deluxe/Legends Wave 2 & Leader Class Megatron! Preorder yours at TFSource here:

Generations - Combiner Wars 2015 - Leader Class Series 1 - Case - Set of 2

Generations - Combiner Wars 2015 - Voyager Class Series 2 - Set of 2

Generations - Combiner Wars 2015 - Deluxe Class Series 2 - Set of 4

Generations - Combiner Wars 2015 - Legends Series 2 - Set of 2
Now Instock - Combiners Wars Series 1 - Voyager/Deluxe/Legends! Order yours here:

TFsource - Your Source for Hasbro Generations Combiner Wars Figures!
New preorder up - Perfect Effect PC-01 Combiner Wars Add-on kits! Choose black or purple and upgrade your combiner wars with this kit available here:

PC-01 Perfect Combiner Upgrade Sets - Black and Purple Versions

8. Now Instock - KFC - EAVI METAL Phase Four: A - Transistor & HiFi! Order yours here:

KFC - EAVI METAL Phase Four: A - Transistor & HiFi

9. 3rd Party Clearance Sale!
Now added to our 3rd party sale - TFCon Exclusive Axis & Shafter! This the remainder of stock from our black friday sale so grab them before they're gone here at almost 50% off!:

TFCon 2014 Exclusive - Masterpiece Axis & Shafter Set
KFC Clearance Sale! We're having a clearance sale on several KFC figures, including KFC - EAVI METAL Phase Three: A - Citizen Stack, KFC - EAVI METAL Phase Three: B - Dai Stack, KFC - CT-02 Tempest , KFC - Mugan Scope and more! Check out all of the sale items here:

KFC - EAVI METAL Phase Three: A - Citizen Stack - Was $184.95 - Sale Price $129.99
With SXS Head $139.99

KFC - EAVI METAL Phase Three: B - Dai Stack - Was $159.99 - Sale Price $109.99
With SXS Head $119.99

KFC - CT-02 Tempest - Was $75.95 - Sale Price $54.99

KFC - Mugan Scope - Was $74.99 - Sale Price $39.95
MGT Delicate Warrior - Blue/Green/Asassin - Clearance Sale! Also on sale - MGT items! Save nearly 70% off of some MGT items with this clearance sale! Order yours at TFsource here:

MGT-01 Delicate Warrior - Blue and Green Versions - Were $195.95 ea. - Now $39.99 ea.

MGT-06 Shadow Assassin - Was $115.95 - Now $44.95

10. DX9 - War in Pocket - Plague and Medliance and D03i - Invisible - Transparent Phantom Now Instock!
Now instock - DX9 Toys - War in Pocket - Plague and Medliance! These mini sized figures just hit our warehouse and preorders are being processed! Order yours at TFSource here:

War in Pocket - X03 Medilance & X04 Plague Set of 2
Also instock - DX9's Phantom! This figure is limited to 1000 pieces worldwide, preorders are being processed now! Instock at TFSource here:

DX9 D03i - Invisible - Transparent Phantom - Limited Edition 1000 pieces
DX9 Invisible Instock & DX9 Restock! Invisible is now in our warehouse and we've restocked popular other DX9 figures - order yours at TFSource here:

DX9 D03 - Invisible
We've now restocked DX9-D04 OP Armor Set and DX9 Toys - X01 Speedoo & X02 Guartinel Set of 2! Order yours here:

DX9-D04 OP Armor Set

DX9 Toys - X01 Speedoo & X02 Guartinel Set of 2

11. ToyWorld Restock!
ToyWorld Restock - Hegemon 2nd Edition and TW-02B - Orion Black Version! Order yours here:

ToyWorld - TW-01B - Hegemon - 2nd Edition

ToyWorld - TW-02B - Orion Black Version
Now instock - Toyworld's Infinitor! Preorders are being processed to ship out. Order yours at TFsource here:

ToyWorld - TW-H04 Infinitor
Toyworld Grant - Uranus TG photo gallery! Check out our Facebook page for some awesome photos from Uranus TG of TFCon's exclusive Grant! Our final stock is now up on the site, pick yours up here:

ToyWorld - TW-H04G Grant
Note: Sword is not included, you can also find some Tamashii Effects on our sister site theToySource here:
New preorder up - TW-D02 Muddy! The second in their dino-combiner series, preorder yours here:

ToyWorld - TW-D02 Muddy
Toyworld's new 3-changer Devilstar is up for preorder! If you saw this piece at our booth at TFcon it's extremely impressive preorder yours here:

ToyWorld - TW-06 Devilstar
Now instock - Toyworld's Roar! This first of five figures that will form a massive dino-combiner is instock at TFSource here:

ToyWorld - TW-D01 Roar

12. 3rd Party Customs Updates!
Xtransbots - MX-I Apollyon - Preorder Update! We've received a lot of inquiries on Apollyon, and received an update from Xtransbots - he's now set to be released in Mid-February, he's also selling fast so make sure to get your preorder in here:

Xtransbots - MX-I Apollyon
Now Instock - X2 Toys - XT005 Gemini Set of Furrow & Rotor With DKR002! Order yours here:

X2 Toys - XT005 Gemini Set of Furrow & Rotor With DKR002
New preorder up - Iron Factory IF-EX-03 and IF-EX-03S - 3 Figures sets! Scaled legends class figures combine together or work with Generations Metroplex! Preorder yours at TFSource here:

Iron Factory - IF-EX03S

Iron Factory - IF-EX03 Sonictech Bassrhino Leotrible - Set of 3
New Preorder up - Mega Steel's Granville! Standing 19CM/7.5" tall and including both ABS & Diecast parts, he comes with an arsenal of weapons preorder yours at TFSource here:

Mega Steel - MS-01 Granville
Dr. Wu Primus Swords - Red & Silver now up for preorder! Upgrade your bots with this new add-on, preorders up at TFSource here:

DR. Wu - DW-M03 - Primus Sword - Silver and Red
Now instock - Perfect Effect Warden Upgrade Kit & PES Figures! Instock at TFSource here:

PE-DX03 EW - Warden Add-on Parts

TFsource - Your Source for Perfect Effect Figures!
Now instock - Bullsfire DB-01 Air Strike! We've updated the listing with some awesome photos from TJ so check them out! Instock at TFsource now here:

Bullsfire - DB-01 Air Strike
Now instock AFT Toys - Titanium Saint Figure! Check out the video review and order yours at TFSource here:

AFT Toys - AFT-07 Titanium Saint
Now Instock - Microblaze Creations - MBC002 Military Titans with Bonus Parts! Order yours here:

Microblaze Creations - MBC002 Military Titans with Bonus Parts

13. theToySource Updates!
Now Instock at the ToySource: S.H. Figuarts - Sailor Moon - Sailor Uranus! Previously only avaialable as a Tamashii web exclusive in Asia, Sailor Uranus has been made available to North American fans! She features a full array of accessories & alternate parts! Order yours today at the ToySource:

S.H.Figuarts - Sailor Moon - Sailor Uranus
New preorder up - BISHOUJO STATUE - DC COMICS ZATANNA! Figure stands 250mm/9.9" tall and high level of craftsmanship Kotobukiya is known for. Preorders up here:

Now up for preorder Avengers infinite set and factory sealed cases! Preorder yours at theToySource here:

Avengers - Infinite Series - 3-3/4 inch - 2015 Series 01 - Set of 9
Now up for preorder - Star Wars Black Deluxe - Han & Tauntaun! Preorder this highly anticipated piece or a factory sealed case including the speeder bike & 2 Han & Tauntaun here:

Star Wars Black Deluxe Series 2 - 6'' - Han Solo w/ Tauntaun
New Bandai Tamashii Preorders Up at theToySource!
We've added a bunch of new Bandai Tamashii Preorders up on the site, including Star Wars, Iron Man, Dragon Ball Z, Mario Bros., Sailor Chibi Moon, and More! Check them out here:

theToySource - Your Source for Bandai Tamashii Figures and Accessories!
New preorder up - Play Arts Kai - Metal Gear Solid V - Quiet! Preorder yours at theToySource here:

Play Arts Kai - Quiet - Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
Now up for preorder - 20th anniversary Legacy Dino Megazord! Includes 5 individual zords that can combine together - preorders up at theToySource here:

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - Legacy Dino Megazord - 20th Anniversary Reissue
Now back instock - GIJOE 50th anniversary figures and battle below zero set! Order by the set of 2 or series, instock now at theToySource here:

GIJoe - 50th Anniversary - Battle Below Zero Set - Ghost Hawk and Cobra W.O.L.F

theToySource - Your Source for GIJOE 50th Anniversary Figures!

14. Source Blog Updates!

NEW SOURCE ARTICLE! The Phantom Mirage, DX9's less visible repaint of Invisible is out, but does it stand out enough? Even Less Visible | Source Blog
NEW SOURCE REVIEW! Check out TJ's Source Review on MMC's Hexaron Continuum Version on the Source Blog here: Source Review | MMC Terminus Hexatron - Continuum Edition
NEW SOURCE REVIEW! New Source Review from TJ - Unique Toys Alberich! Check out his video review and amazing photography of this piece on the Source Blog here:
NEW SOURCE INTERVIEW! Witness the unbelievable G1 and pre-G1 museum of Immo de Maar. Collector Interview 32 – Immo de Maar

15. Newest Preorder items at TFsource

16. Newest Instock items at TFsource



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