TFsource News! Masterpiece Cheetor, Make Toys Despotron, Perfect Effect, Takara Legends & More!

by Jay Cochran
August 8, 2016
This week at TFsource we have new preorders for MP-34 Masterpiece Beast Wars Cheetor, Make Toys - MTRM-08 - Despotron, Perfect Effect - PE-DX06 Beast Gorira, PC-14 Perfect Combiners Upgrade Cannon for Titans Return Fortress Maximus, EX-Factory - Gladiator, Mastermind Creations - Ocular Max - PS-05 Girder, PS-07 Artifex, and PS-06 Terraegis, Badcube's OTS-11 Speedbump and OTS-12 Lorry, DX9 D08 - Supreme Leader - Mightron, Fans Toys FT-10 - Phoenix and FT-18 - Lupus, and Corbot V - CV002 - Mugger.

TFsource News! Masterpiece Cheetor, Make Toys Despotron, Perfect Effect, Takara Legends & More!


- MP-34 Masterpiece Beast Wars Cheetor

- Make Toys - MTRM-08 - Despotron

- Perfect Effect - PE-DX06 Beast Gorira

- PC-14 Perfect Combiners Upgrade Cannon for Titans Return Fortress Maximus

- EX-Factory - Gladiator

- Mastermind Creations - Ocular Max - PS-05 Girder, PS-07 Artifex, and PS-06 Terraegis

- Badcube's OTS-11 Speedbump and OTS-12 Lorry

- DX9 D08 - Supreme Leader - Mightron

- Corbot V - CV002 - Mugger

- Fans Toys FT-10 - Phoenix and FT-18 - Lupus


- Transformers - Titans Return - Titan Class - Fortress Maximus

- SDCC 2016 Exclusive - Masterpiece Bumblebee with Spike

- SDCC 2016 Exclusive - Funko Hikari - Bumblebee Metallic Edition

- Unique Toys - Y01 - Provider

- Xtransbots - MX-I Apollyon - 2nd Production Run

- Make Toys - Guardia - MTCM-04C - Vulcan

- BadCube OTS-04 Wardog Restock

- War in Pocket - X14 Leah & X15 Toufold Set of 2

- Iron Factory - IF-EX15 - Soul Reaper

- Iron Factory - IF-EX04G - Dia City Commander

- TransFormMission - Havoc - M-01 Disorder

- TFC Toys Hades H-06 Hypnos


Now up for preorder - the highly anticipated MP-34 Masterpiece Cheetor! Preorders up at TFSource here:

MP-34 Masterpiece Beast Wars Cheetor

MP-11SW Skywarp reissue with coin now avaliable for preorder! Preorder yours here:

MP-11SW - Masterpiece Skywarp - Reissue w/ Coin

MP-11SW Skywarp wouldn't be complete without a pair of KFC - KP-14P Posable hands! Add MP-11SW posable handles to your cart today.

KFC - KP-14P Posable Hands for MP-11SW skywarp

PrimeStar is bringing you the perfect add on for your MP-30. Preorder Prime Star - PS-A01 Shoulder Cannons & Toolbox at TFSource!

Prime Star - PS-A01 Shoulder Cannons & Toolbox

Hey diaclone fans! Diaclone Reboot - Dia-Nauts set of 8 is now up for preorder at TFSource -

Diaclone Reboot - Dia-Naughts Set of 8

Also up for preorder - Diaclone Reboot - Diaclone Powered-Suit Set A and Powered-Suit Set B! Preorder here:

Diaclone Reboot - Diaclone Powered-Suit Set A

Diaclone Reboot - Diaclone Powered-Suit Set B

Now up for Preorder - MP-33 Masterpiece Inferno! Preorder here:

MP-33 Masterpiece Inferno


The BIG guy is in! Order the nearly 2ft tall Titans Return Fortress Maximus at TFSource!

Transformers - Titans Return - Titan Class - Fortress Maximus

Tons of new Transformers Legends series preorders added to TFSource! Soundwave, Astrotrain, Brainstorm and more! Preorder Legends LG36- LG40 here:

New Transformers Legends Preorders!

New updated images from Takara Tomy of their upcoming legends releases of LG32 Chromedome, LG33 Highbrow, and LG34 Mindwipe. All three of the feature new face sculpts, and come with a Titan Master vehicle. Shop Legends Series here:

New Legends Images!


Now up for preorder - Make Toys - MTRM-08 - Despotron! Preorder here:

Make Toys - MTRM-08 - Despotron

Now Instock - Make Toys - Guardia - MTCM-04C - Vulcan! Order Vulcan at TFSource to make the mighty MakeToys Guardia! Order yours here:

Make Toys - Guardia - MTCM-04C - Vulcan

New full color images of Make Toys MTCD-01 Striker Manus. Preorder MTCD-01 at TFSource:

Make Toys - MTCD-01 - Striker Manus

Now Instock - MakeToys MCB03 - Pandinus! Add this awesome collection centerpiece to your cart today! Order yours now!

Make Toys - City Bot Series - MCB03 - Pandinus


New 3rd Party's first entrance to the fray, Ex-Factory's Gladiator! Preorder these great troop builder pieces today at TFSource here:

EX-Factory - Gladiator


Now up for preorder - Perfect Effect - PE-DX06 Beast Gorira! Preorder it here today -

Perfect Effect - PE-DX06 Beast Gorira

PC-14 Perfect Combiner Upgrade cannon for Titans Return Fortress Maximus. Preorder it at TFSource -

PC-14 Perfect Combiners Upgrade Cannon for Titans Return Fortress Maximus


Now up for preorder - MMC's PS06 Terraegis! Includes Die-cast parts and some incentives like a new battle head for Sphinx! Preorder yours at TFSource here:

Mastermind Creations - Ocular Max - PS-06 Terraegis

Also up for preorder - Ocular Max - PS-07 Artifex! Preorder yours at TFSource -

Mastermind Creations - Ocular Max - PS-07 Artifex

Ocular Max - PS-01A SPHINX Alternative restocked at TFSource! Get yours here:

Ocular Max - Perfection Series - PS-01A Sphinx Alternative

Next up in MMC's Ocular Max Perfection Series is Girder! Preorder it here at TFSource -

Mastermind Creations - Ocular Max - PS-05 Girder


Badcube's OTS-11 Speedbump and OTS-12 Lorry are now avaliable for preorder at TFSource! These masterpiece sized figures feature diecast parts! Get them here:

BadCube - OTS-11 Speedbump

BadCube - OTS-12 Lorry

Wardog is HUGE! The MP scaled figure has been restocked at TFSource. Get your Bad Cube OTS-04 Wardog today. You'll tank us later!

BadCube OTS-04 Wardog

Ask and you shall recieve... Due to overwhelming support for a reissue of Sunsurge, Badcube has confirmed the rerun! Now Fans and collectors alike can rejoice! Be the 1st to preorder with TFSource here -

BadCube - OTS-08 Sunsurge


DX9 newest MP scaled figure D08 - Supreme Leader - MIGHTRON now up for preorder! Preorder it today at TFSource:

DX9 D08 - Supreme Leader - Mightron

DX9 Toys DX-08 Gewalt now instock! This masterpiece scaled triple changer is one you don't want to miss out on! Order yours here:

DX9 Toys - DX9-D08 - Gewalt


Now Instock SDCC2016‬ Exclusive - Masterpiece Bumblebee with Spike! Order here:

SDCC 2016 Exclusive - Masterpiece Bumblebee with Spike

Another ‪SDCC‬ 2016 Exclusive instock at TFSource - Funko Hikari - Bumblebee Metallic Edition. The limited edition Bumblebee is the perfect desk or mancave figure! Get it here:

SDCC 2016 Exclusive - Funko Hikari - Bumblebee Metallic Edition

The great days of the high school yearbook are reborn in this 30 figure KREON class of 1985 30-pack set! Preorder SDCC 2015 - KREON CLASS OF 1985 30-PACK here:

SDCC 2015 - Kreon Class Of 1985 30-Pack


Unique Toys - Y01 - Provider is back instock at TFSource! Order the 3 mode changer here:

Unique Toys - Y01 - Provider

This is no cat and mouse game! Preorder Unique Toys - YM01- Palm Collection - Tom & Jerry at TFSource!

Unique Toys - YM01 - Palm Collection - Tom & Jerry


Xtransbots - MX-I Apollyon - 2nd production run now back instock at TFSource! Hurry while supplies last! Order yours here:

Xtransbots - MX-I Apollyon - 2nd Production Run

Now up for preorder - X-Transbots MM-VI Boost and MM-VII Hatch (Toy Version) and a reissue of X-Transbots MM-IV Ollie! Preorder yours here:

X-Transbots MM-VI Boost and MM-VII Hatch (Toy Version)

X-Transbots MM-IV Ollie - Reissue


FansToys FT-10 PHOENIX now up for preorder at TFSource! Get your preorder here:

Fans Toys FT-10 - Phoenix

Another great figure from FansToys now up for preorder. This time it's FT-18 - LUPUS. Preorder yours today!

Fans Toys FT-18 - Lupus


This triple changer robot converts from Jet to Oil Tanker to Robot! Preorder KFC - Eavi Metal Phase Eleven: A Stratotanker at TFSource!

KFC - EAVI Metal Phase Eleven:: A - Stratotanker

KFC - KP-15 E-Nergeon Cube comes in a set of 3 "energy" cubes in 3 each different styles: full, injecting, compressed! 9 cubes total. Preorder here -

KFC - KP-15 E-Nergeon Cube

New preorders available for KFC's Crash Hog & Dumpyard! And that's not all! Don't be in danger of being cancelled or losing your timeslot! Offer expires while you wait, operators are standing by! Preorder today at TFsource:

KFC - EAVI METAL Phase Six: Crash Hog & Dumpyard


TFC Toys Hades H-06 Hypnos instock at TFSource. Add it to your collection today!

TFC Toys Hades H-06 Hypnos

Now instock TFC Toys - Poseidon - P03 - Bigbite! Get yours here:

TFC Toys - Poseidon - P03 - Bigbite

Now up for preorder TFC Toys - Poseidon - P05-Deathclaw! Get it here:

TFC Toys - Poseidon - P05 - Deathclaw


Now Instock - TransFormMission - Havoc - M-01 Disorder! Order yours here:

TransFormMission - Havoc - M-01 Disorder


Ori Toy - Hero of Steel 01- Optimus Prime with Bonus Megatron gun now instock at TFSource. Order your figure here:

Ori Toy - Hero of Steel 01 - Optimus Prime - w/ Bonus Megatron

Get Ori Toy's Hero of Steel - 01 - Optimus Prime at TFSource! Order yours here:

Ori Toy - Hero of Steel 01 - Optimus Prime


Hot new preorder alert! ToyWord yellow Construction Combiner is now up for preorder. Get each figure here:

ToyWorld Yellow Construction Combiner Figures

Now Instock - Toyworld TW-C01 through TW-C06! You can now form the Mighty Constructor! Order all 6 figures at TFsource today!

ToyWorld - Constructor Combiner Figures

We also have a new Purple replacement mixer barrel for Concrete up for preorder at TFSource! The extra piece comes in a rich purple and replaces the existing green barrel. Preorder it here:

ToyWorld - Constructor - Purple Mixer Barrel



This Marvel Legends Iron Man Electronic Helmet is an awesome addition to any cool collection! Preorder it here:

Hasbro - Marvel Legends - Electronic Iron Man Replica Helmet


Dragon Ball Z - Figure-rise Mechanics - Saiyan Space Pod has a super impressive size of approximately 6 inches in height and even comes with Vegeta at the time of attack! Preorder it here:

Dragon Ball Z - Figure-rise Mechanics - Saiyan Space Pod

Also up for preorder - Dragon Summon - Space Pod! Preorder here:

Dragon Summon - Space Pod


S.H. Figuarts - Star Wars - Luke Skywalker - A New Hope now instock at TheToySource! Order yours here today!

S.H. Figuarts - Star Wars - Luke Skywalker - A New Hope

Also now instock - S.H. Figuarts - Civil War - Iron Man Mark 46! Order yours here:

S.H. Figuarts - Civil War - Iron Man Mark 46


The famed Kamen Rider Drive joins the S.I.C. series! Preorder Kamen Rider Drive Type Speed here -

S.I.C. - Kamen Rider Drive Type Speed


Now up for preorder - Robot Spirits - RGM-79 - GM Version - A.N.I.M.E.! Preorder at theToySource here:

Robot Spirits - RGM-79 - GM Version - A.N.I.M.E.


We all know Lupin's greatest weakness, so it's no surprise that S.H.Figuarts Mine Fujiko is being released at the same time. Preorder S.H. Figuarts - Elf Sigma. today -

S.H. Figuarts - Elf Sigma


Following up on the Sheriff Robo Star Combiner, Bandai Tamashii Nations presents Buzz the Space Ranger Robo! Comes with five figures: Buzz Lightyear, "The Big One" space shuttle, Buzz's ship, and two aliens. Preorder it here:

Toy Story - Chogokin - Buzz the Space Ranger Robo


Now up for preorder - Threezero - Peter Parker and Spider-Man 2 Figure Set! Preorder here:

Threezero - Peter Parker and Spider-Man 2 Figure Set


Pop Culture Shock - Sons of Anarchy - 1/6 Jax Teller and Clay Morrow figures now up for preorder! Get it here:

Pop Culture Shock - Sons of Anarchy - 1/6 Jax Teller

Pop Culture Shock - Sons of Anarchy - 1/6 Clay Morrow


An American expatriate, ninja delivery girl, and traverser of subspace, Ramona Flowers is the object of Scott Pilgrim's love. Too bad she's got 7 evil exes he must defeat, as well! Preorder the 8-3/4" Ramona Flowers Collectible Figure here:

Mondo - Scott Pilgrim - Ramona Flowers - Diamond Exclusive Pink Hair


Threezero - TMNT Out of the Shadows - Bebop and Rocksteady now up for preorder. Get them here -

Threezero - TMNT Out of the Shadows - Bebop

Threezero - TMNT Out of the Shadows - Rocksteady


Now up for preorder - Star Ace - 300 - King Leonidas 1/6 Figure! Preorder yours here:

Star Ace - 300 - King Leonidas 1/6 Figure


The likeness of the actors in these Suicide Squad figures is insane! Preorder The perfect couple - Harley Quinn & The Joker 12" statue here -

DC Collectibles - Suicide Squad Harley Quinn and Joker 12" Statue


The alluring Harley Quinn from the film Suicide Squad joins the S.H.Figuarts lineup! Preorder yours today!

S.H. Figuarts - Suicide Squad - Harley Quinn


S.H. MonsterArts - Godzilla 1995 Ultimate Burning Version now up for preorder at The Toy Source. Fans of the Heisei-era Godzilla works will recognize this fiery rendition of everyone's favorite radioactive kaiju as he appeared in the unforgettable film Godzilla vs. Destoroyah. Get it here -

S.H. MonsterArts - Godzilla 1995 Ultimate Burning Version


This kit from Takara Tomy allows you to assemble your own motorized Saber Tiger! It can walk and roar, and sound and light effects are also included! Preorder it here!

Zoids Masterpiece - MPZ-02 Saber Tiger


Now up for Preorder - Persona 4 - The Ultimate - in Mayonaka Arena - Unit 024! Preorder here:

Persona 4 - The Ultimate - in Mayonaka Arena - 1:8 Scale Figure - Unit 024

From the 2D fighting game Persona 4: The Ultimate in Mayonaka Arena, comes a figma of Yasogami High School's student council president, Labrys! Preorder Labrys at The ToySource:

Persona 4 - The Ultimate - in Mayonaka Arena - 1:8 Scale Figure - Labrys


Now instock S.H. Figuarts - Son Gohan. Get the popular reissue here:

S.H. Figuarts - Son Gohan


Now up for preorder - Dream Ex - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - 1/6 Scale Casey Jones! Preorder yours here:

Dream Ex - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - 1/6 Scale Casey Jones


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