Appointed as Buffy's second watcher, Wesley Wyndham-Price, was fired after the slayer quit the council. Unemployed, Wesley, played by Alexis Denisof, considered himself to be a "Rouge Demon Hunter", and found himself in the City of Angels after trailing a demon. Shortly thereafter, he began working with Angel and Cordelia at Angel Investigations in an attempt to protect the innocent from the evils of the city. Now the proclaimed "leader" of Angel Investigations, Wesley plays an imperative role in the series, thus making him action figure worthy in the eyes of the fans.
Joining Wesley in the second series line up will be the irresistible vampiress who sired Angel, Darla. She and Angelus roamed Europe for many years as the most feared Vampire duo in history. After Angel regained his soul, Darla spent her days being the Master's favorite, right hand Vampire until she was staked by Angel in an effort to save BuffyÕs life. Recently brought back to life by Wolfram & Hart as a secret weapon against Angel, Darla now seeks sweet revenge on the one who brought her death.
Lorne, better known as the green, horned demon we refer to as The Host, will make up the final inclusion of this series. Played by actor Andy Hallett, Lorne is a karaoke host at a demon bar called Caritas. Sing him a tune, and show him your soul, as he has the ability to read what a person is thinking and feeling, and can determine a person's ultimate destination simply by listening to a single melodious tune. From another dimension known as Pylea, Lorne was better known by his friends and family as Krevlornsath of the Deathwok Clan.
There is no estimated release date for Angel Series II at this time. Updates regarding Wesley, Darla, and The Host will be released periodically after early 2002.
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