no one is going to buy those at that price thats all I shall say... other than this... its also some what ugly with all the "dead" bodies laying around though they had to do something to change it from the first original bookends in this same stylewell i like it and want it. but as you said not at that price. maybe for 100
At 100 bucks they'd be a strong maybe, at say 80 bucks they'd be a hell their current $300 they're a "WTF I think I'll pass".
no one is going to buy those at that price thats all I shall say... other than this... its also some what ugly with all the "dead" bodies laying around though they had to do something to change it from the first original bookends in this same style
well i like it and want it. but as you said not at that price. maybe for 100
no one is going to buy those at that price thats all I shall say... other than this... its also some what ugly with all the "dead" bodies laying around though they had to do something to change it from the first original bookends in this same style