I'm one of the biggest superman fans around but I think it suks. his pose is awkward looking the cape isn't hanging down like it should the neck looks horrid and it kinda sorts looks like reeves but not really. No s on the cape and the hair looks just crappy. Its nice for a statue don't get me wrong I just think this could have been done better..Like with his arms hanging more to his side or even crossed and the cape should be more flowing and str8 down. The neck needs to be more slinder and a some what bigger smile. we all know the reeves smile any one else agree? And the price well its about on par for a statue
agree. dc comics or the creator of this statue needs to get things fix before it's release in may. i don't mind paying 100-200 bucks on a statue but it's got to look real.
I'm one of the biggest superman fans around but I think it suks. his pose is awkward looking the cape isn't hanging down like it should the neck looks horrid and it kinda sorts looks like reeves but not really. No s on the cape and the hair looks just crappy. Its nice for a statue don't get me wrong I just think this could have been done better..
Like with his arms hanging more to his side or even crossed and the cape should be more flowing and str8 down. The neck needs to be more slinder and a some what bigger smile. we all know the reeves smile any one else agree? And the price well its about on par for a statue
i think the statue looks great but the eye coloring is off and plus... where is the "S" sign on the back of the cape at? they are missing that one main piece. it's not original if that is missing... if DC comics can fix that problem they can count me on the waiting list of that statue
The paint app on the face has a weird kind of airbrush look to it. For the price though it doesn't matter b/c I don't have pockets deep enough.
I think the likeness is there, it's just the paint throwing it off. It's mostly the eyes. Give it some new paint and I think it'd be almost dead on. Regardless, this still has to be in my collection.
Nice try but send the sculptors back in the studio for one more go around on the likeness.
Its a nice statue...the price is a little high. But the only real problem is the likeness isn't that great. It looks like a Chris Reeve stand in instead of Reeve himself.
I dont really thing it captured the likeliness of Christopher Reeve. perhaps more detailed paint on the eyes would help.
Now that a Chris Reeves Superman Statue is made, the next sstep is for a Movie Superman figure and then bring on Michael Keaton Batman!!
The price is beyond me, but the statue does look great...almost perfection.
"Almost" is right - based on the 360 view, there's no yellow-S on the cape. Which Reeve's outfit had. Personally, I'm not one of those who really cares where Superman's got the S on his cape or not - I'll probably plunk down the cash for this anyway, since part of it's going to the Reeve Foundation - but I do prefer movie-accuracy. Hopefully DC Direct will fix that between now and May.
I like it but I think if this were done in plastic we could get his image done much better
The price is beyond me, but the statue does look great...almost perfection.