I stuck to the " no monkey, no money" thing as well....even with a monkey on the way, I didnt want to support them on the two-pack. So Gleek will be hanging out on his own my shelf.
Yeah Shanks, more to ya boyo!!! Unfortunately not that many people had your backbone. Hopefully who bought them out were a bunch of speculators and ebayers hoping to cash in, and if that's the case then hopefully they choke on their product or take a loss when they sell em!!!
Lonely, welcome to the boards and sorry you could not get what you wanted!! Also more power to ya for giving up a beloved line on principal!!! I think I may be over DCUC, but I have yet to see the Wal Mart wave or even the Giganta wave. So who knows. But I did return both Killer Moth and Terry McGuiness. Moth would have complted Kalibak, and Terry I've wanted since he was a KB exclusive!!! Let's hope I can stick to my guns!!!
That's what I've been saying all along!! Your money talks, and you know what walks!!! Unfortunately I see over at matty that the Wonder Twins sans Gleek has sold out!!! Too bad. A huge statement could have been made had everyone just refused to buy one because the monkey wasn't included!!! Oh well, Mattel wins again, and is shown that they can do whatever they want because the fanboys will just eat it all up!!!In this instance, I did boycott the Wonder Twins figures. I couldn't see buying a product that royally pi$$ed off so many.
It was hard to stick to my guns on this one, but I did. It would be nice if Mattel would let us know if they are indeed reading this board. Make a comment. Say something for goodness sake.
Yeah, I don't think they pay much attention to us. But kudos to you for holding your ground.
So much for that "No monkey, no sale" bullshit. Maybe next year if they do a Bat-Mite exclusive you can say "No bats, no bucks" and maybe that will work.
That's what I've been saying all along!! Your money talks, and you know what walks!!! Unfortunately I see over at matty that the Wonder Twins sans Gleek has sold out!!! Too bad. A huge statement could have been made had everyone just refused to buy one because the monkey wasn't included!!! Oh well, Mattel wins again, and is shown that they can do whatever they want because the fanboys will just eat it all up!!!
In this instance, I did boycott the Wonder Twins figures. I couldn't see buying a product that royally pi$$ed off so many.
It was hard to stick to my guns on this one, but I did. It would be nice if Mattel would let us know if they are indeed reading this board. Make a comment. Say something for goodness sake.
i also agree with Jay C and Lady Jaye. i went to the con this year (my first) specifically for gleek, he-ro, etc. needless to say i was disappointed. i refused to buy the twins at the con, and have given up DCU entirely. i am hopeless about MOTU, and i was still able to get he-ro from mattel's site, so i am going to keep buying MOTUC. it hurts to give up DCU, but i am saving my money for more hasbro toys -- since i was able to get everything i wanted from hasbro it makes continuing to collect them a simple choice. granted, hasbro doesn't have the four horsemen, but it's the principle. thanks for listening.
That's what I've been saying all along!! Your money talks, and you know what walks!!! Unfortunately I see over at matty that the Wonder Twins sans Gleek has sold out!!! Too bad. A huge statement could have been made had everyone just refused to buy one because the monkey wasn't included!!! Oh well, Mattel wins again, and is shown that they can do whatever they want because the fanboys will just eat it all up!!!
Jay C and Lady Jaye are on the money. Actually they're regurgitating what I told you but I imagine I'm blocked by most of you by now or you just think I'm crazy.
Mattel won't change. They have no cause to change because YOU won't change. Once the crying over Gleek was done you went back to talking about how much you want Power Girl or Kilowog or whatever fancies you. So really all this pissing and moaning about Gleek means nothing because as soon as the next wave starts popping up the chatter about how awesome the DC Universe Classics line is will begin again. Next year they'll announce another interesting exclusive with an extra piece for attendees only and the "I hate Mattel" chants will begin again followed by the immediate praises of Mattel's next wave of figures. It's just like baseball and steroids. You know they're cheating, you know the owners and the commissioner won't do a damn thing about it. But you're still watching, which means all these so-called problems really aren't.
I personally don't think boycotts ever work, but it's really not about that. Some people deal with the little things like QC and distribution and exclusives, I get that. But if you truly feel you been disrespected and stepped on as a collector then it's time to spend your money on something else.
But I doubt you will. So the next time Mattel screws you over don't act surprised.
I'm not trying to scare anyone. I'm just being realistic by looking at all the available data. The last Walmart wave was scarce so much so that a set will cost you around 300 dollars these days. The regular assortments that are available to everyone have hit or miss distribution. Wave 10 will start showing up possibly near the holidays and you don't think Batman, Joker, Manbat won't catch the eyes of kids, mothers, fathers, grandparents shopping for gifts. And that's assuming the cases will even make their way to store shelves and not be intercepted by employees who by now are most likely very aware of how one can make a small fortune from the last Walmart wave. Throw in the fact that Mattel has said things before that didn't pan out and we can't even be sure the so called increased orders for this wave will actually materialize.
*covers ears*
Well I'll stop my complaining. I've gotten it out of my system. I just thought it was handled poorly all the way around and even though I'm not going to say another word about it I just hope Mattel won't do something this monumentally idiotic again--but hey this is Mattel so forget about that happening.I just hope all those that complain about those of us who were irked by the Gleek debacle will remember this when in October you can't find a Joker or Power Girl or Man Bat.
Don't do that. We want to speak positive things such as: Power Girl, Joker, and Man Bat will be avaiable for all to purchase at their local Wal-Marts. Those are three I really want in the wave. So I will say they will be avaible for all to purchase at his or her local Wal-Mart.
he's just rrying to scare you.
I'm not trying to scare anyone. I'm just being realistic by looking at all the available data. The last Walmart wave was scarce so much so that a set will cost you around 300 dollars these days. The regular assortments that are available to everyone have hit or miss distribution. Wave 10 will start showing up possibly near the holidays and you don't think Batman, Joker, Manbat won't catch the eyes of kids, mothers, fathers, grandparents shopping for gifts. And that's assuming the cases will even make their way to store shelves and not be intercepted by employees who by now are most likely very aware of how one can make a small fortune from the last Walmart wave. Throw in the fact that Mattel has said things before that didn't pan out and we can't even be sure the so called increased orders for this wave will actually materialize.
That's what I've been saying all along!! Your money talks, and you know what walks!!! Unfortunately I see over at matty that the Wonder Twins sans Gleek has sold out!!! Too bad. A huge statement could have been made had everyone just refused to buy one because the monkey wasn't included!!! Oh well, Mattel wins again, and is shown that they can do whatever they want because the fanboys will just eat it all up!!!