If she would have looked like this, then damn!!! 0_0 Me would have liked, a lot!!
But with that puc she def looks out of place, and the outfit a bit dorky!! But I have high hopes for Nolan's final film!!!
I agree!
This thread has tought me something in case I am ever in a superhero movie: Whenever I THINK I'm off camera--maybe behind the set, eating a hamburger, or picking my nose--ALWAYS strike a pose. Because someone is watching
It seems these past 2 years no set is safe...im suprised they dont abolish cell phones on the set. The amount of pics getting leaked is far more than i have ever remembered.
This thread has tought me something in case I am ever in a superhero movie: Whenever I THINK I'm off camera--maybe behind the set, eating a hamburger, or picking my nose--ALWAYS strike a pose. Because someone is watching
If she would have looked like this, then damn!!! 0_0 Me would have liked, a lot!!
But with that puc she def looks out of place, and the outfit a bit dorky!! But I have high hopes for Nolan's final film!!!
Cat ears!...sort of...
she looks about as awkward here as ScarJo trying to walk in heels in Iron Man 2
I was thinking the same thing ..She looks uncomfortable
Remember those goggles we saw in the first teaser pic...i think the ears function as the goggles...that to me is pretty cool
Worst Catwoman EVER!!!
No (coughHalleyBerrycough)
That's realism for ya.
Oh yeah, two more things.
I've seen cosplay costumes that were a hundred times better than this crap.
Apparently there are no mirrors on the set because even she would think she looks goofy.
What were they thinking?
Here maybe this will help all the conjecture about this.
The costume looks like crap.
The ears are just goofy.
and her ass? Well, her ass is HUGE!
Worst Catwoman EVER!!!