What a shame it didn't continue.....
That's the trouble isn't it? This is typical of the stuff they did in the sub. If it had gone on, it would've just been more of the same.
If your saying that the sub wasn't great, then I agree....they did as little as possible to promote it, spending money on it or making it successful.
But it still beat buying homemade customs of figures I wanted.
The figure looks good but I would have preferred Golden-Age Mr. Terrific....or Liberty Belle....or Vixen.....or Johnny Quick.....or Mon-El.....or Geo-Force.....or Golden-Age Superman....or Sunboy....or Dawnstar....or Perez Zatanna.....or Felix Faust....or Johnny Thunder.....or Highfather....or Halo....or Katanna....or Lady Shiva....or Tempest....or Dr. Polaris...or Dr. Light(both)....or Terra....or Batwoman....or Blok....or Shining Knight....or Crimson Avenger....or Queen Bee....or Blockbuster....or Silver-Age Metallo....or Dream Girl...or Phantom Girl....or Shrinking Violet....or Manhunter....or Golden-Age Vigilante....or Max Mercury....or,or,or......
What a shame it didn't continue.....
Just another reason why I never bought into this sub. Batman characters should absolutely not be in it.
I want him in my collection...but still grumbling that he and Ras are the final 2 figures in a greater DC line, when they could and should have been in Batman Legacy/Unlimited
Yeah but that line is only for Batman characters....er, ummm...those figures probably wouldn't sell at retail.....I mean, ahhhhh......wait. What excuse is Mattel going with this time? I forget.
I want him in my collection...but still grumbling that he and Ras are the final 2 figures in a greater DC line, when they could and should have been in Batman Legacy/Unlimited