How sweet would it be if the Batgirl 3-pack included Eartha Kitt Catwoman and Vincent Price Egghead?
I don't have to pay ridiculous Amazon/Ebay prices
Don't go comparing Amazon to ebay. Half the reason I bought the 66 line in the first place was because I was able to get all of them plus a Figuarts Green Ranger from Amazon ALL for under $50. Now that's a sweet deal.
Hey, I refused from day 1 to buy into this line UNTIL they gave me a Batgirl. The fact they're giving her to me in a three pack with Batman and Robin is gravy. This way, in my mad rush to retroactively collect the line, I don't have to pay ridiculous Amazon/Ebay prices for a two-pack I wasn't that crazy about in the first place.
So are you saying you don't need another Batman?
Unfortunately, from what I've heard she's in a 3 pack.
Now THAT sounds dirty! @hmmm@
Unfortunately, from what I've heard she's in a 3 pack.
If that 66 Batgirl is single carded and sold at retail, I might try to grab her but I ain't bending over backwards for her.
(Did that sound dirty to you......?)