Not a huge fan of the likeness on the WW figures but the rest of the fig look solid. I'm down to pickup up the Arkham Bat and Joker. Fingers crossed they keep going down the list with all the different lines they started (BTAS, Arkham, Movies, Comics, etc) so that we have the prospect of completing a collection based on any single property they do figures for. I'm not 100% sold on the BTAS Batman but would be more likely to jump in on it if there was a good prospect of a full line from the property. Same with Arkham and the movies and comics, etc.
On 2/24/2020 at 5:55 PM, InspectorZartan said:You know, until we started talking about this winged gold armor Wonder Woman figure I didnt even realize that its Gal Gadot in that armor at the end of the trailer. I presumed it was a tease for a Hawkgirl appearance. Now I need to rewatch the trailer again and look more closely at the face I guess.
Not having that be Hawkgirl in the movie though has me a little disappointed. Hawkman and Hawkgirl are overdue for a theatrical movie and I was hoping this was something getting set up by an 80s cameo.
The gold winged Wonder Woman looks like a cross between Goldar and Scorpina from MMPR. It would make great custom fodder for a Hawkgirl too.
You know, until we started talking about this winged gold armor Wonder Woman figure I didnt even realize that its Gal Gadot in that armor at the end of the trailer. I presumed it was a tease for a Hawkgirl appearance. Now I need to rewatch the trailer again and look more closely at the face I guess.
Not having that be Hawkgirl in the movie though has me a little disappointed. Hawkman and Hawkgirl are overdue for a theatrical movie and I was hoping this was something getting set up by an 80s cameo.
The one in the golden Birdman costume has a decent likeness but the other one looks like Sarah Silverman cosplaying as Wonder Woman.
These wonder women versions look awesome, well done in this line. Translated well to action figure form. Well time will truly tell once they're received in hand.
Not a big fan of the dc films but these dont look too bad. The mattel ones had the sculpt down but fudged the likeness. Mcfarlane will impress this time out. Watch and see.
4 hours ago, JayC said:First look at the two Wonder Woman figures. Not sure where the images originated from but thanks to Andrew for the heads up
definitely a step up from mattel movie figures
Bit too pink in the face, but the likeness isn't bad at all.
First look at the two Wonder Woman figures. Not sure where the images originated from but thanks to Andrew for the heads up
I forgot to circle back around to this but there is also a Arkaham Batman figure listed as well, which shouldn't be surprising. They aren't gonna do Arkham game figures without Batman