10 minutes ago, Raptorbandito said:This looks really really good. Have they already done a design based on the earlier TAS Batman? If not I hope that will be forthcoming as well.
I'm pretty sure they have not. I hope they make Joker next, but from BTAS, not TNBA. Always hated the TNBA Joker redesign without lips.
This looks really really good. Have they already done a design based on the earlier TAS Batman? If not I hope that will be forthcoming as well.
I can't get over how much more accurate this is to the character model than the figure that actually came from DC Direct.
So glad I held off on getting into the other TAS figures out there! Cant wait for this figure!
Medicom has released official images and details for their upcoming MAFEX The New Adventures Of Batman that we first told you was coming the other day. The figure will be available for pre-order very soon and is slated for release in May 2021. The figure has 3 headsculpts including an unmasked one, multiple hands, soft-goods cape, Batarang and grapple gun. Check out the new images below.