This is exactly why this line just can't get any traction.Now this set is going to go for twenty-five to thirty bucks. Few retailers are going to gamble on it. Even on-line retailers like CornerstoreComics have stopped carrying Trek stuff. The only way I'll ever see this is months after it's low-key almost invisible release, I'll see a set on e-bay going for about forty to fifty bucks.
I realize that re-purposing is a reality in this industry, but really! A cocked eyebrow??? WOW! I know packaging the Romulan Kirk with the still-unannounced Romulan Commander would be too much to ask for but how about putting a Spock head on a Pike body and calling it "The Cage" Spock? With a drop of imagination, they might actually get away with rip-offs like this.
Funny you mention the Cage Spock - he's already on TrU's website as a presell.
how about putting a Spock head on a Pike body and calling it "The Cage" Spock? With a drop of imagination, they might actually get away with rip-offs like this.
Even if they would have done THAT I would have picked this one up. As it stands, I have no money to waste on or room to store more of the same stuff I already have.
This is exactly why this line just can't get any traction.
Now this set is going to go for twenty-five to thirty bucks. Few retailers are going to gamble on it. Even on-line retailers like CornerstoreComics have stopped carrying Trek stuff. The only way I'll ever see this is months after it's low-key almost invisible release, I'll see a set on e-bay going for about forty to fifty bucks.
I realize that re-purposing is a reality in this industry, but really! A cocked eyebrow??? WOW! I know packaging the Romulan Kirk with the still-unannounced Romulan Commander would be too much to ask for but how about putting a Spock head on a Pike body and calling it "The Cage" Spock? With a drop of imagination, they might actually get away with rip-offs like this.
Yeah, I caught that eybrow thing. Just chalked it up to him wondering why he was there...
The good thing is, if you missed out on him the first time around, and you didn't get one at TrU for the re-release, then I guess this would be your thing. Initially, I missed out, but managed to pick him up online later on. If I didn't get that chance, then I'd be jumping for joy about this.
Pity. I like the Kirk-as-a-Romulan fig, but already have a Spock. This is a no-go for me. They really should have put another new fig in Spock's place.
Saddly, it seems DST has followed what other toy companies have been practicing for quite some time--recycle figures and force fans to rebuy if they want the other, all-new figure.
But hey, Spock's eyebrow is slightly he's different.
Pity. I like the Kirk-as-a-Romulan fig, but already have a Spock. This is a no-go for me. They really should have put another new fig in Spock's place.