It'll probably be a star sister, Wrapped in a wino's sock.@firedevil@
I'm ok with that...I don't have any wino socks in my collection....
It'll probably be a star sister, Wrapped in a wino's sock.@firedevil@
I'm hoping its not Count Marzo....I already bought extra of him by mistake!
I disagree as do most. Great animal body. Good cape, and unique loan cloth. Good for customs imo.
Wow, I really hope not. Carnivus is kind of blah, being neither custom-worthy, troop-buildable, nor exciting/nostalgic enough to re-gift to someone else.
Its pre this year. 5 different figures I read. Leading canidate is Chief Carnivus as people say they had a tone of him. We shall see.
I doubt it will be Slushhead or Bow.
Just hope is NOT any of these :
He'll, any of the new adventures
Anything else, I could handle have a double
I'd rather they just keep the figure and just remove Procrustus from my order this month. Still can't believe I am being forced to pay $40 for that crap this month.
I'm not sure how I feel about this yet. I guess it will depend on what Figure I get as the free gift.
If it's something I already have two of then I could donate it to a toy drive and make some kid happy.
That's what I was thinking.