If anyone wants to sell me their Oo-Lar, give me a shout.
Tung Lashor & snake armor he-man are the only ones I want so I guess I won't be getting them either since I cherry pick lol
Arrow is all I care less about. Love pretty much everything else I have seen. So stoked for Snake Armor He Man!!
I been looking forward to this figure for a while...
My other favorite is Ninjor... Plus I can finally make a 200X Jitsu...
Arrow is all I care less about. Love pretty much everything else I have seen. So stoked for Snake Armor He Man!!
I am also stoked about the snake armor He-man 2pack. Unfortunately, I will not be subbing next year. With only 5 figures I want unless they make 1987 movie figures. With Tung Lashor and Gwildor coming out at the end of this year and Snake Armor He-man in a 2pack there are only 2 figures left I want so I am almost done with motuc. Not worth subbing next year.
Arrow is all I care less about. Love pretty much everything else I have seen. So stoked for Snake Armor He Man!!
Don't forget Arrow! Everyone wants him! Fan-@##@@-demanded Arrow!
I might accidentally "lose" my CC after October, cancel it, and not look back.
Well, it looks like I am going to get stuck with that crappy NA She-ra. Mermista getting a slot in the main sub just adds insult to injury.
I noticed that three figures will be sold I have to save up it is going too cost a pretty penny
I really hope NA She-Ra is not part of Club Etheria.
She is
I may have to rethink about not subing this year.There are quite a few figures I want