"Conan, what are the greatest things in life?"
"Crush your enemies, see them driven before you, hear the lamentations of their women."
great, now if they can go back in and add some articulation that'd be nice.
Iv never seen the movie is it good?
the first one was pretty realistic and bloody. the best ever.
the second one had more fantasie in it. it was not so hard and extreme like the first one but i loved it. i recommand to watch the first conan. realy great.
Iv never seen the movie is it good?
if only he came with a sound chip with his prayer to Krom!
i never thought on that. great idea. hey neca hear that guy out. 18" version needs a the prayer to krom and if dont, then to hell with it
if only he came with a sound chip with his prayer to Krom!
hell yeaah he is back and i want more as always. i was a fan of anould since i was a kid and now neca give a damn dutch figure
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