This Predator looks so off the wall but so fitting as to what it's going for, kinda like it.
It's a solid love letter to the 90's with the over exaggerated armor, lasers, and just bigger and more of everything. Looking forward to seeing this in person.
absolutely love this , as I said over on your FB post I think this is the final Predator from the Kenner line they needed to make. so aside from going back and fixing up some the older Kenner preds with the new Ultimate style body (which I so hope they do specially for the likes of Night Storm and Scavage predators) I am totally down for this Pred
Wow, he looks quite cool! I'm starting to collect NECA Aliens, and this Predator would go soooo nice with them.
I dont do the Kenner based ones but this one does a nice balance of being weird yet interesting. Its tempting but going down the rabbit hole of the Kenner inspired variants is a rabbit hole I just cant go down so this will be a pass.
That actually looks pretty nifty and the helmet design is one of the best I have seen in a Predator figure.
It's so ridiculous I kind of like it. But I really wish they would paint the netting or if (a while back) they had tooled up some new body pieces without netting to be more faithful to the original Kenner figures (and some of the comic art); it's not like they wouldn't have gotten a ton of mileage out of these parts and made back their money several times over or anything.