Yet again, the fact these are now Wal-Mart Exclusives just sucks... thanks Neca, you bummed me out
maybe just maybe..EBgames will pull through with this and the other stuff from this line...
The Super Shredder is a must have. Too bad NECA were not able to get permission to get Elias Koteas likeness for Casey Jones.
So if you caught our story earlier today, NECA says this figure will be out in August.
This makes me want to watch the movie again...this is a really awesome looking figure
Man I really hope I can snag him and the mutants. I have a feeling hes going to be much harder than im thinking. I wish they werent exclusive tho.
I'm not a big TMNT collector but this Super Shredder looks pretty awesome. Might have to get him if I see him on Walmarts website, $30 is not a bad price at all.