I think these Super Shredder variants might be the point where I stop being a completist on the movie Turtles line. Had it been a true in person Comic Con exclusive then I probably would have bought it since Im always at the show, hold higher personal value for souvenirs that actually represent something I bought at one of my favorite events and I would have been in the NECA line anyway. But as just aretail itemId be on the fence about picking it up at retail price. Given the fact that the odds of me ever finding it at a Walmart for retail price is extremely low (since there are zero Walmarts conveniently located near me) and thus the best bet would be NECA selling it online where the price goes up by $15 to cover shipping I think Im likely passing on this one.
I have enjoyed all 3 of the super shredders NECAs released. I enjoy my original the most since its the most screen accurate. Tho this one is neat as hell. I love the belt. The overall purple scheme is nice too.
The packaging looks really good...?
At least it wasn't titled "Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles 2" since the word "ninja" is banned in some European places. This does bring back memories of the classic Super Shredder, though.
I like this one the best out of now 3 (including this one) Super Shredders, I won't buy it though but... damn looks good, although it's totally screen inaccurate, he didn't have that belt, it's homage to the figure, I mean they did say that, but wasn't sure if it was just the deco, but it seems the figure itself is a movie version homage to the 90's figure.