Im excited to see more from their Universal license. Im guessing with 31 reveals though the term monster is going to be a broad umbrella that includes not only their traditional horror stuff but things like Aliens and Predator as well
Has in general done "Monters" right IMHO..
Look forward to check'n them out ;^)
Curious as to how the TMNT universal monste rmash up will turn out to be like!
Hammer figures please. Love the Frankenstein figure the other Universal figures look great. Kessler Werewolf looks amazing...but can we get some Hammer figures announced?
NECA today announced a new teaser for their October Monster Madness event. The tease states 31 days of spooktacular reveals which we assume means at least one new monster/horror related product will be shown off each day starting on October 1 and go through the end of the month. Of course we will be sure to bring you full coverage of anything new shown as it happens.
Bring on the monsters. More werewolves, vampires, and ghouls oh my.
Cool, maybe its finally going to be Hammer time