19 minutes ago, RobertD said:Looks like that soldier has been enjoying a little too much (James Avery Shredder voice) Turtle Soup!
the food program at the foot compound is treating the employees nicely.
now if this isn't a chubby foot soldier, and just a camera trick, I'm gonna be displeased.
Nice, locked that in. Passed on the scooter version of Keno because I didn't feel like paying the markup for all the extra unnecessaries (badge, pizza box deco, etc.), so I'll be happy with this.
27 minutes ago, Lord_Scareglow said:is that a portly foot soldier? or am I just crazy? if it actually is ment to be a bit of a chubbier Foot Soldier then that's a cool little addition to the Foot roster, and a reason to not feel bad to buy this,
Looks like that soldier has been enjoying a little too much (James Avery Shredder voice) Turtle Soup!
is that a portly foot soldier? or am I just crazy? if it actually is ment to be a bit of a chubbier Foot Soldier then that's a cool little addition to the Foot roster, and a reason to not feel bad to buy this, sure Kano looks pretty alright, interesting they gave us a second look for him, but was it necessary? I'm no completionist in the Movie TMNT department so can't say I'd buy it, but happy for everyone who would.