McFarlane Toys 6" Retro 66 Batman Figures In-Hand Images

by Jay Cochran
November 6, 2021
Shown below via Asoka the Geek are in-hand images for the new McFarlane Toys 6" Retro 66 Batman figures including the unmasked Robin figure and masked Joker figures. These figures are sold as Target exclusives.
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Last 10 comments - ( Read All Posts )
Batfreak87 - 2021-11-11 @ 5:21 am

I prefer my dynamic duo masked rather than unmasked and joker unmasked.

Faceless - 2021-11-08 @ 1:04 am
13 hours ago, obs said:

He wore it in the movie. Unknown if in the series, but in the movie both Joker and Penguin wore those masks, so if he releases a Penguin we'll definitely get a masked variant just like we'll get an unmasked Riddler. Catwoman came both ways depending on who was playing her, so we could potentially get 6 Catwoman figures out of this line if he decides to go deeper. Heck we can also get 6 Riddlers. Gorshin came in 2 different costumes and Gomez Addams played him in the final season, so we can get Riddler with a Man at Arms head (mustache humor) and all three with and without masks, and knowing McFarlane he'll throw in the suit and tie version with and without derby hat and sell them both separately.

Interesting. I saw the movie once maybe 20 something years ago.

rono - 2021-11-07 @ 4:02 pm

Why can't Todd produce 6" BTAS/TNBA figures in the scale & style of the highly successful DC DIRECT line? Didn't he recently get the rights to produce & distribute the DC Direct merchandise? DC had already released prototypes of Batman Who Laughs, Talon, Thomas Wayne, & Vampire Batman. Additionally, Hush was also in the pipeline. We all know that TNBA Penguin, Lock Up, Hugo Strange, Maxie Zeus, & Clock King have been clamored for by fans before DC shut down their in-house merchandise company. So many other villains like Deadshot, Copperhead, Gentleman Ghost, & KGBeast, plus Black Mask & Black Spider were made by Mattel or discussed as potential figures. I know there are myriad of potential versions of Batman, Robin, Batgirl, Nightwing, Gordon, and other supporting characters from BTAS/TNBA/JLU. This is a goldmine for the taking. Come on Todd. The fans really want this.

obs - 2021-11-07 @ 11:23 am
12 hours ago, Faceless said:

Cool for those who have to have every look. How many episodes did he wear this mask?

He wore it in the movie. Unknown if in the series, but in the movie both Joker and Penguin wore those masks, so if he releases a Penguin we'll definitely get a masked variant just like we'll get an unmasked Riddler. Catwoman came both ways depending on who was playing her, so we could potentially get 6 Catwoman figures out of this line if he decides to go deeper. Heck we can also get 6 Riddlers. Gorshin came in 2 different costumes and Gomez Addams played him in the final season, so we can get Riddler with a Man at Arms head (mustache humor) and all three with and without masks, and knowing McFarlane he'll throw in the suit and tie version with and without derby hat and sell them both separately.Todd, if you're reading this please get with the program and include your variant head sculpts in ONE package and not two or even three in some cases. You're anti-consumer, yet I buy your stuff anyway, so I'm part of the problem.

If he'd actually put some damn money in the line and stop skimping on the quality it would be a nice line to get into. The figures have horrible capes and they are missing paint detail and the only reason those two sins are done is to save money. Every stroke of the paint brush costs a penny or two and if you can save 6 or 7 cents on a Robin by not painting his belt correctly (unlike Mattel's version which is perfect) then you're probabaly not going to do so. The only thing McFarlane has over Mattel is the paint is nice and flat and the build quality of his figures are better. The likenesses are also pretty good too. I used to hate the way they looked but I was judging that on the pictures that were released before this line hit stores and those were obviously prototypes and the retail heads are 100 times better. Don't ever judge a McFarlane actor likeness on the photographs they release for marketing purposes. They are 100% of the time not accurate to the final figure. Those Justice League figs were awful but once I saw them in person I changed my tune. The Wonder Womans are still awful, but Henry Cavill is perfect and Affleck looks less like Adam West now. Not perfect but better than the pre-release pics.

Faceless - 2021-11-06 @ 11:17 pm

Cool for those who have to have every look. How many episodes did he wear this mask?

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