Woah! That hook is badass
huh, that Maleficent design looks intriguing, definitely badass... but i gotta admit with Hook's mirrorverse look, what's with the face x'D, then again what makes me think it's weird it's how his coat has "crocodile parts" on it, i mean doesn't he hate crocodiles? especially the ticking clock croc, dunno it's just me
Nice Disney Maleficent....
Wish they would do a Jolie "Younger Maleficent".....
7"er or 1/6.....
I would get that ;^)
Nice, I may just pick up Maleficent !
McFarlane Toys has released images for their upcoming Disney Mirrorverse 7" Maleficent and Captain Hook figures. There should also be a 5" Baymax figure coming in this wave which we told you about last month.
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