Great figures and if you're a metals fan- this is a must have. I like the coloring on the Wally West flash figure. I hope we get a standard version of that.
That's NOT Jay Garrick
I really dislike those designs, they look pretty bad imo, and I would rather have a classic version of these and other numerous Flash characters. Obviously, it's not McFarlane's fault but it sucks that they spent their resources making original sculpts for such lame designs, Dr. Manhattanized Wally West and baf are fine tho.
Hopefully if the leaks are true we get normal jay Garrick
I remember really enjoying this one-shot comic. I plan on picking up Jay and Kid Flash but passing on Barry and Wally (and the Darkest Knight). I had kind of been hoping that they would do the Clayface Batman from this issue as the build a figure, but since Darkest Knight (Batman Who Laughs) was the primary antagonist in it, this makes sense. There was also a Grodd Flash in this issue that was pretty cool too, but probably too soon to go to the Grodd well again after the page puncher mega fig was just released. I thought the Mobius Chair might be a possibility also since it's a big part of this story, but I'd rather they do that with Metron at some point.
The new McFarlane Toys DC Multiverse 7" Death Metal: Speed Metal Build-A-Wave is now available for pre-order at places like our sponsors and Entertainment Earth.The Build-A-Figure for the wave is the Darkest Knight and the figures included in this wave are the following:
- Barry Allen Flash- Wally West- Kid Flash- Jay GarrickThere is also the exclusive Gold Label Speed Metal Dark Flash figure which has already been hitting Walmart stores.
2 hours ago, Satam said:It's a lightning bolt. He's glam now.
Barry Allen Flash
2 hours ago, LordVenger said:Whats the story with Garrick having yellow paint on his face?
It's a lightning bolt. He's glam now.
Whats the story with Garrick having yellow paint on his face?