That's a very nice price for this 3-pack even though I already have everything I'd want from it. Pretty much kills my chances of selling my PP Supergirl for what I was asking on ebay though. LOL. I was asking more for just her than the $40 that this 3-pack is going for.
The pollen has not been kind to the Dark Knight
This is an easy pass for me
Would love to know why McFarlane seems to consider it a requirement to deviate from the very source material they include on the packages and cards they include with the figures. Some are less pronounced than others, but there are clear differences with every one of these figures, and I can't say that any of the changes they introduced make the figure look better than the source material.
I don't really know what they're trying to accomplish with that Batman paint job, but this seemed like a perfect opportunity to fix Kara's hair and they whiffed it.