He looks great, but as others said, not for the extra bucks. I can def do without the card holder thingy
Eh, this isn't really doing it for me, and the pointlessly inflated price confirms I'm not going to bother unless it goes on clearance somewhere.
Dont like the head sculpt, i like the big head classic look better. and needs to be more lanky, looks kinda beefy.
I'm with Reno. The figs look nice but. An extra 5-10 for a card stand... Not feeling it.
Sinestro looks great! He, Black Lightning and Hawkman who have all been shared on this site today are must buys for me. I'll likely buy the DCvV Green Lantern as well, but I'm less excited about that one. I'm not feeling these "Collector Edition" pieces at $29.99 though that only tend to come with that additional stand that I know that I'll never use.