I foresee there will be no complaints about being able to acquire this flash figure lol.
Shown below is the new McFarlane Toys Gold Label DC Multiverse Target Exclusive Injustice Society The Rival Figure is available for pre-order from our sponsors Target with a suggested retail price of $22.99.EDWARD CLARISS was JAY GARRICK'S chemistry professor at MIDWESTERN UNIVERSITY. Clariss somehow managed to replicate the hard water formula that gave Jay his super speed. For a brief time afterward, Clariss took the identity of "THE RIVAL," a sort of REVERSE-FLASH, hell-bent on destroying the Golden Age Flash. The formula eventually wore off, and Jay was able to subdue Rival. Some months later, Clariss's powers returned, and he broke out of prison. Jay gave chase, but Rival ran so fast he ran himself out of existence, lost to the SPEED FORCE.
That head had to have started life as a Joker sculpt. I'll accept no other explanation.
This is truly an ugly figure. Who approved that face, then they added the wispy eyes? Ugh.
Yeah, i guess I'd need to know the source material-the comics-in order to appreciate this cause this figure just looks goofy af to me. I don't get it.
18 hours ago, GrundySmash said:The face looks like he was Jokerized, and the Speed Force in his eyes looks like water. I'm going to pass on this one.
He totally does look jokerized with that mouth. Good call.
I thought when I saw this that it was another Jokerized edition figure. I may get this but not a priority, more interested in the Batgirl.
1 hour ago, GrundySmash said:The face looks like he was Jokerized, and the Speed Force in his eyes looks like water. I'm going to pass on this one.
I agree with you
The face looks like he was Jokerized, and the Speed Force in his eyes looks like water. I'm going to pass on this one.
I'm looking forward to this figure but wish they had done just a bit more to differentiate from Jay other than the creepy head sculpt and slightly darker colors, but they really did look pretty much that similar. This will be an instant pre-order for me.