Id be very happy to receive any Platinum for retail. That Soectre is a $100 figure and possibly more. I collect every figure in the line. Its around 450-500 figures and counting. I do wish hed chill out on the Platinums but at least theyre all well done for the most part. I got that yellow Mr. Freeze from EE and turns out thats first appearance Freeze as Mr. Zero. He should be green but its a black light figure so i maybe that has something to do with it. I wouldnt be surprised if he put out a Platinum of a variant and made it green.
41 minutes ago, RobertD said:Imagine paying the exorbitant prices on this wave and then getting saddled with a variant that you don't even want. That's all I can think about when I see this. I can't even look at it objectively and determine whether or not I like the way it looks. The appeal of The Spectre figure to me was it was a traditional rendition of the character. I don't know how I'd feel if this came in the mail.
I can tell you how I'd feel about it. I'd be very ticked off, similar to how I felt every time I got one of those stupid gray "artist's proof" platinum variant figures. I received so many of those blasted things that I've lost count.
The only Platinum variant that I've gotten and been happy about was Hawkman.
Fortunately with this being a McF store exclusive I don't think they "randomly" insert the platinums in like the other stores do. I think that they purposely put all of theirs up through that service EQL. Now that I've said that I've likely jinxed myself and I'll end up receiving this stupid version of Spectre.
Imagine paying the exorbitant prices on this wave and then getting saddled with a variant that you don't even want. That's all I can think about when I see this. I can't even look at it objectively and determine whether or not I like the way it looks. The appeal of The Spectre figure to me was it was a traditional rendition of the character. I don't know how I'd feel if this came in the mail.