It would've been nice if they used the flashpoint body and just redid the gloves and the belt.
Wow... I think this is the ugliest action figure of any version of The Flash ever made.
The face seems like it's prepped for the jokerized version
The new DC Multiverse 7-inch Wally West (Gold Label) Figure from McFarlane Toys is available to purchase on with a suggested retail price of $22.99.
Face looks a bit villain-ish (almost Jokerized, lol), and that body has some real proportion issues. Definitely regretting not getting the Barry Allen (Target) version.
That face though...yikes.
I don't like the head sculpt, and don't like the reuse of the rebirth Flash body. What a shame, I was really looking forward to this when I first saw they were making a Wally West in the leaks
Not exactly a face that screams "heroism".