Which nightwing was this body built on?
If Nightwing was not included, this could have been a cool army-builder pack.
29 minutes ago, Jscott991 said:The Amazon page has disappeared?
Yup, no idea why
The Amazon page has disappeared?
Gonna have to pass on this. Wouldn't mind having a Court of Owls jerk in my collection, but I don't need (or want) to buy two other repaints of which I already have better looking versions along with it. If it single-releases down the line, cool, if not, eh. It's not a particularly impressive figure either way, the main appeal is that it's a new character in a line that is overly bloated with repeats and repaints. I did like the Court of Owls story, though. Had this been a 3-pack of snooty Court figures (two dudes and a lady?), I'd have snatched it up without hesitation.
This on the other hand? Easily passed on. I'm not dropping $60 if I only care about one figure.
Just preordered it. One of the last good original creations in the Batman books was the court of owls. Glad McFarlane went with it.
Shown below is the new McFarlane Toys DC Multiverse Amazon Exclusive Gold Label Nightwing vs Talon & Owl 7-inch Figure 3-pack is now available for pre-order from Amazon with a suggested retail price of $59.99.
Oh, wow I'm definitely going to have to get this! I know that this is just an easy re-paint slam dunk for McFarlane with really only the Owl headsculpt and Owl pack in being new, but I still love it! I'm betting we're going to see repaints of that Owl again with Dr. Mid-Nite, Owlman, Nite-Owl and others in the future.
I do hate that they do windowless packaging for their Amazon exclusives though. I realize that they're not going to be on store shelves anywhere but I rarely open any of my DC Multiverse stuff.