The patina one does admittedly look quite good - I can see it being used as a nice statue in a background for some figure photography. Not interested in paying full price for it, let alone an exclusive premium, but I cna see *a* use for it.
As for the Jokerized figure... does *anyone* buy these things? At all? They keep pumping them out, so I assume someone's buying them, but I've still yet to see anyone actually excited by them.
Guys, there are 52 cards in a deck of poker cards, so you have to make these until you have all the cards you need to play cards, otherwise I don't really like them either, although... I missed this Batman (Dark Nights: Death Metal), I only have the red guitarist, maybe I should try to get it for the scythe (if it's a good price)
I wish McFarlane would make more characters from the Dark Knights of Steel storyline. But I don't know if this Batman sold well enough for the company to do that.
Those anyone really like the "Jokerized" variants? I'm seeing alot of these but none I have ant interest in. Someone must buy them as Todd keeps makin' em.
5 hours ago, Reno said:I'm not a huge fan of these gimmick Gold Label figures personally and wouldn't ever pay full price for them but I'm open to the Jokerized stuff if I ever find it discounted enough. I got the Jokerized Scarecrow for under $10 at one point but that's the only one that I've picked up so far.
A handful of them kind of work. This one definitely doesn't.
I'm not a huge fan of these gimmick Gold Label figures personally and wouldn't ever pay full price for them but I'm open to the Jokerized stuff if I ever find it discounted enough. I got the Jokerized Scarecrow for under $10 at one point but that's the only one that I've picked up so far.