A New Diamond Select Toys BSG & Stargate Q&A Round Is Up For Your Viewing Pleasure

by Jay Cochran
January 27, 2010
DSTChuck has released a new Diamond Select Toys Q&A over on their Art Asylum website for your viewing pleasure.

In this weeks edition focuses on Battlestar Galactice and Stargate SG-1 questions. Check out all out the entire Q&A below:

Sean Curry
Have you guys given any consideration to expanding the BSG line to include non-mini-ized ships? Fans have not had toy versions of BSG ships since the (poorly-redesigned) Trendmasters Viper and Raider from the 90’s. Do you have the license for this toy line in general, or are you limited to Mini-mates versions and would you consider applying your amazing Star Trek ship skills towards some definitive versions of the Colonial Viper and Cylon Raider? Even getting something in the small scale of the original Mattel ships might be nice at this point - of course a 3.75 scale Viper would be AWESOME!

DSTChuck: We have thought many times about a large Galactica or Viper. The Trek ships do well for us but they take a large sales number to justify the considerable expense. Right now when we poll buyers and our sales departments the confidence is not there. Don’t give up though it is something we look at from time to time.

Chris Gaskill
Hello. I am a big fan of your Battlestar Galactica line and was wanting to know why figures of secondary characters were made first while the show was still on the air and now we have to wait and wait for main characters like Commander Adama, Roslin, Baltar and Tigh that have had release dates constantly pushed back and stand a good chance of never being released. I own every one of your Battlestar figures but to not get an Adama figure but have a Kat or “Hot Dog” pilot that were made first would not make any sense. The entire line of Battlestar figures would really lose their value and worth to me and make me think twice about collecting another one of DTS’ line of figures. Why make the Battlestar line at all if the MAIN characters are the last to be made or not made at all. Thank you, Chris Gaskill.

DSTChuck: Chris that’s always a tough issue when you work on a line plan. If you put all of the most popular characters in the first wave then who would come back and buy the second wave? If a property is strong enough to warrant an action figure license then it should be strong enough to carry several series, right? I do think we went out with very strong characters to start: Apollo, Starbuck, Cylon and others. Focusing on a couple of short packs is not really answering your question. In fact, Kat and Hot Dog were done with just a new head, something Adama and Baltar could not be. With few exceptions I think the characters we have done are as strong or stronger then the ones you listed.

Andy Kinnear
Hi Guys, here go… (You can tell I have run out of questions!) Is there a reasonable chance that General Hammond and Ba’al may get released in the future, even if Wave 5 itself does not? - Setting aside Universe (I would not collect its characters,) the fact no news has come forward, no rumours of developments, seeminly no figure re-releases for those who missed out before, and questions from us collectors are dwindling, (we need output to give feedback!) are we facing the end of the 7 inch line for SGate? As an aside, did you get the email I sent to the Customer Services about my Serpent Guard problem a few months back? Thanks.

DSTChuck: Andy - there is a chance you have seen the last of the 7″ figures from DST. We’re not ready to say that but it is possible. Unless something happens to change buyers’ feelings, it’s just not something we can justify in this environment.

Stephen Totten
As you mentioned in the last Q&A AA/DST may consider doing SGU figures ” if the property is resonating”. Since this is a clearly more ship based show will a Starship legends style “Destiny” be considered?

DSTChuck: I don’t see us making any large plastic ships from the Stargate properties any time soon, for the reasons outlined earlier. Sorry.

Gerardo Nevarez
I want to thank you for the great action figures you have been producing. I been collecting almost all of the BSG, Stargate and Star Trek figures, but it has become such a problem keeping track of what has been released where and when. I just saw your Star Trek minimates guide and that really helps a lot. I know everyone is busy, but can someone create a visual guide for BSG, Stargate and Star Trek. I am sure you are aware of the popularity of the Halo figures. I don’t even play the game, but I collect the figures because they are so cool and easy to track. www.spawn.com/halo has an excellent guide to all their figures with package and without package. Why can’t you have a guide page for each of the toy lines, and don’t give me the link to the diamondselecttoys website, that is a poor excuse for an action figure guide. I can’t remember when was the last time I bought a bsg, stargate or star trek figure. It has been so hard to keep track what is out there. Thanks for taking time to read my question. I hope that we finally get a REAL action figures visual guide on the ArtAsylum website.

DSTChuck: I think based on the feedback from the MM guides, we would like to get more guides and such up on the sites. It’s just a matter of staffing and time. For now the www.diamondselecttoys.com SHOULD have every figure we’ve done, even exclusives under the individual property headings.

Eric Q
Hello! I ask this question with sadness since I love the figures you produce.. Is BSG wave 4 (the ‘leaders’ wave) basically dead? And the other two packs as well (Tigh & Gaeta, Leoben & Starbuck, Boomer & Athena)? I’m guessing ‘yes’ since in the most recent Trek Q&A, we were basically told that DST is done with the figures and it seemed Trek was doing a little better than BSG for you guys. :(

DSTChuck: No, no. All the two packs are happening. In fact, I think one of them is in stores as you read this with the second not far behind. The reconfigured wave 4 should be moving along and hopefully we’ll have an update on the ship date after the factories get back from their new year’s break.

James Casper
Have to start by saying - LOVE your BSG 6″ toy figure line! With the exception of the DVD set’s figure, I own at least 2 sealed releases of every BSG figure you’ve put out thus far (be it a normal release, promo, same fig w/ updated packaging, etc.) - so hopefully that qualifies me to be a faithful follower / collector! = ) Speaking of the BSG DVD figure, I only have one of those, and was recently looking to get another DVD set, and in turn, another one of your figures. Are you still supplying whomever is making (genuine) BSG DVD sets with the DST Cylon (w/ the bullet hole graphics), or are you no longer supplying figures to whomever the DVD manufacturers are? I only ask, since I’ve been seeing a lot of DVD sets popping up online (eBay is a great example) that DEFINITELY do not have your original DST figure included. Whatever is included, is a complete POS figure (utter trash). I’m just trying to figure out now if those DVD releases are bootlegs (with the POS figure being a dead giveaway), or if it just turns out that the DVD manufacturers are no longer able to obtain your awesome Cylon for inclusion in their continued production runs. If it helps, check out the photos in these BSG DVD sets that definitely do not have your toy product included (at least not any Cylon that I’ve ever seen DST put out…): I’d love to hear back with your thoughts (bootlegs or otherwise) for these sets with this unknown figure. I’m not after any proprietary information (like production numbers or anything like that for DST figures associated with the BSG DVD sets), more just a confirmation if you believe your product should / is supposed to be included with all of the genuine DVD releases (or perhaps if you only supplied the initial DVD release, or?). Any help you could lend (to me and my fellow collectors) would be most beneficial. Thanks for the great collectibles, keep up the excellent products! Best Regards, - James

DSTChuck: We shipped Universal a large quantity to several countries for this promotion. While we are done shipping to them I have no idea if they are done processing the shipments. I have not received my copy yet so either I will not be getting one or they are still processing orders and re-orders.

James Casper
1). Past blogs stated the 6″ BSG toy line may (may not) be coming to an end not long after Series 4. Any news/changes to this? 2). Most of us are still hoping for two Adama’s (w/ & w/o a mustache). Any chance we’ll see both? 3). Given the Series 4 rework, is Roslin still (hopefully) on-tap somewhere? 4). If more is to come, how about Cavil? Most collectors don’t want to see a ‘1978 Mattel with no Apollo’ happen again, where the line ends and a handful of key characters are never produced (like Roslin, or even Cavil). After that (if you can), feel free to give us a couple more Baltar’s! If you’ve already tooled the head, may be a mix-and-match with other body parts to keep costs down but yield different figures? Thx!

DSTChuck: 1)We will not know the answer to that until we see how well wave 4 sells and maybe if interest in the property picks up with Caprica going on air.

2) There is in fact a chance, we’d honestly like to do both.

3) See answer to #1

4) I would see Cavil as a VERY long shot.

Kushmeer Farakhan
Greetings Chuck! The Usual stuff with a twist of lime: 1. So now all of the two packs are scheduled for 1/27/10. Will this happen? Are the fans getting an BSG toy day of sorts? That would be all kinds of awesome. 2. How are the preorders, etc. going for the new revamped wave 4? Does it look like we’ll get that wave on time or too early to tell or what? 3. I know you’re not sure about another toys r us wave but riddle me this, is there a possibility that another figure or two could still be added to wave 4? 4. Any update on the status of Mustache free Adama, Roslin, President Apollo? Are any of the three close to a greenlight now? Thanks as always for any insight.

DSTChuck: 1) The first two two packs are in the warehouse now so we’re looking good.

2) Fair at best.

3) TRU very much wants to keep the waves tight with an emphasis on Cylons and we agree.

4) Nope, we’re going to wait to see sales on the 2-packs and the wave 4 figures to judge.


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