Hot on the heals of the release of Now Playing Series 1 and with Series 2 due this summer, SOTA Toys is pleased to announce the third series of Now Playing!
Series 3 will consist of figures based off of the classic movies LEGEND, DOG SOLDIERS, DUNE and THE THING. This is the first series that will include the release of a boxed set recreating a classic scene from a movie. The first scene being recreated is the Dog Kennel confrontation from THE THING.
This third series is also the first to incorporate actor’s likenesses into the line, that of Kurt Russell as R.J. MacReady and Kenneth McMillan as Baron Valdimir Harkonnen.
Now Playing Series 3 Character Descriptions
- Baron Vladimir Harkonnen (
In the distant future, space travel is dependent upon Spice, which is found only on the planet Dune. Baron Harkonnen will stop at nothing in his goal to have House Harkonnen in control of the Spice and the power that comes from it. In his bid for control the Baron will blackmail, torture, corrupt and kill anyone in his path to absolute power over the Universe. But even someone as powerful as the Baron Vladimir Harkonnen cannot escape Prophesy and Fate.
“…The Duke will die before these eyes and he'll know, HE’LL KNOW, that it is I, Baron Vladimir Harkonnen, who encompasses his doom!”
- Meg Mucklesbones (
As the heroic Jack journeys to confront the Lord of Darkness in his lair, he finds need to cross a foul swamp to rescue his love Princess Lily. Unbeknownst to him, this dank bog is the home of the swamp witch Meg Mucklebones. Slimy green and decrepit, Meg means to make a meal of Jack. But appealing to the hag’s vanity, Jack is able to trick the creature, allowing him to free his sword and cut the creature down.
"Who be this tender morel disturbing Meg Mucklebones rest?"
- Werewolf (
Dog Soldiers)
A squad of British soldiers training in the Scottish wilderness find a few things out of the ordinary: a decimated squad of Special Forces with a wounded officer, a female zoologist… and a pack of angry and hungry werewolves! Now holed up in an abandoned farmhouse with wounded teammates, limited ammo and no way out, its man vs. wolfman-winner takes all! Six Soldiers. Full Moon. No chance.
“You mean like full moons, silver bullets and eyebrows that join in the middle?”
- Boxed Set: R.J. MacReady vs. Dog Monster (
The Thing) At a US Research Station in Antarctica, a group of men face a horror from beyond the stars-an alien that can turn itself into anything it touches… and look like any of them! Helicopter pilot R.J. MacReady first witnesses the creature’s abilities at the dog kennel as the Thing attempts to absorb and imitate their dogs. It soon becomes clear to MacReady that the thing must die or everyone will die!
“I dunno what the hell's in there, but it's weird and pissed off whatever it
Now Playing Series 3 is due for release around Halloween 2005.
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