I.W.G. Nehanda goes on sale 5.22.07
Nehanda, the eagerly awaited limited edition vinyl from Rocketworld goes on sale Tuesday May 22, 2007 at freebento.com. The figure will ship in early June.
The 7" pink elephant is a limited edition of 100 and only available at www.freebento.com.
Nehanda, designed by Patrick Ma of Rocketworld, sports a lethal RPG and a swank Terminator Skull graphic.
Retail Price: $50.00
Web Link:
In the not too distant future, the mysterious Astral Overseers put into motion their master plan....an interstellar space vehicle returning to Earth unknowingly carries a specially designed cosmic retrovirus which soon spreads worldwide thru the jet stream. Completely unaffecting humans, this new retrovirus soon begins to find its way into certain animal species. Quickly causing mutations, Earth begins to see a variety of animals evolve into self-aware or sentient life. A formidable combination of all an animal's strengths, an intelligence equal to humans, and some say new powers. Immediately gaining a new and more profound understanding the danger humans presented to their kind, this new breed of sentient creatures stays hidden from human eyes for years as they develop their own society and culture, albeit somewhat loosely based and culled from observing humans and their media. An immediate goal for these creatures was to organize, and begin resisting the human destruction and domination of what was once their "natural" habitat. Strangely, as they increased in strength, numbers, and sophistication, their tactics, tastes, and habits were increasingly becoming more "human" in many ways.
Full of conflict, contradiction, frustration, anger and the desire to save themselves and their world, a resistance movement emerged. The first of these resistance cells was the "I n s u r g e n t s W i l d e r n e s s G r u p p o "....