The BBC have tonight apologised to the ninth Dr Who actor, Christopher Eccleston, after admitting that they 'did not consult him' before revealing to the media that he would be quitting his role after the first series.
In the first instance, it was said that Eccleston 'feared being typecast' if he stayed on. The BBC later quoted him as saying "he hoped viewers continued to enjoy the series." The BBC has admitted falsely attributing this statement to him. It also admits breaking an agreement not to reveal his plans to only fim one series.
Jane Tranter, head of drama and commissioning said: "The BBC regrets not speaking to Christopher before it responded to the press questions on Wednesday 30 March. The BBC further regrets that it falsely attributed a statement to Christopher and apologises to him."
A spokesman for the BBC revealed that Eccleston had made a mutual agreement with the BBC, in January, that he would not be making a second series and that his decision would not be made public. This news was then confirmed by the press office after being questioned by journalists.
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