Title: Batman Begins
Starring: Christian Bale
Released: 18th October 2005
SRP: $28.98 & $30.97
Warner has officially announced that there will be two editions of Batman Begins which stars Christian Bale, Katie Holmes, Gary Oldman and Liam Neeson. Both the single-disc, and double-disc deluxe DVD's will be available to own from the 18th October this year.
Product Details For Deluxe Edition:
DVD ROM Features:Batman Begins Mobile Game Demo & Weblinks
Documentaries:Genesis of the Bat: Batman Incarnations from the Mid-1980s to the PresentThe Journey Begins: Creative Concepts, Story Development and CastingShaping Mind and Body: Fighting StyleGotham City Rises: Production DesignCape and Cowl: The New BatsuitThe Tumbler: The New Batmobile
Documentary:Path to Discovery: Filming in IcelandSaving Gotham City: The Monorail Chase Sequence
Featurette:Confidential Files Character/Weaponry Gallery
Interactive Menus:INNER DEMONS COMIC: Explore the special
features through an exclusive interactive comic book
Other:Exclusive collectible 72-page comic bookDetective Comics #37 - the very first Batman story Batman: The Man Who Falls - a classic story that inspired Batman Begins Batman: The Long Halloween - a chilling excerpt that also inspired the film
Photo gallery
Theatrical Trailer
You can pre-order now at
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