Find out what Playmates Toys has in store for TMNT fans for 2015 as we bring you coverage of their second annual SDCC panel.
TMNT was the #1 male action brand in 2013.
Chris Kay leads the panel with Pat Liden, Jeff Trojan and John Stelzner.
Big things coming in 2014 for the 30th Anniversary of TMNT.
Turtle Power Documentary coming August 12. New movie is coming August 8.
2015 will see Playmates go from movie to mutations for their toyline theme. 9 different figures you can mix and match parts. They will also have vehicles you can mix and match parts on.
Role play continues to be popular. It's the #1 sku in male toys. Casey Jones mask will be released and electronic Turtle masks with white eyes that change to turtle eyes.
Basic vehicles T-Rawket is coming in 2015. Hovercraft and Casey's Zamboni willl be two vehicles with figures in 2015.
Turtle Blimp is coming this Fall and inflate over 30" long. It will have repel lines.
New Pizza Thrower is coming in 2015.
RC Skateboard Mikey with Pizza Remote Control.
11" Shredder in 2014 and in 2015 Head Popping Turtles with the heads that push down in their shells.
6" Classics will see Shredder and Krang in wave 4.
Basic Action Figures - They might do Ice Cream Kitty if fans want it. Serpent Karai, Baxter Fly, Turtleflytle Mickey are coming. Rocksteady and Bebop as well which will first be sold at Wal-Mart stores. Stay tuned to TNI tomorrow (7/26) for an exclusive first look at a few more Nick based figures and vehicles.
T-Machine Turtle Diecast line is coming in 2015.
Panel images have been added.
If they could work out the rights they would love to do a 6" Classics Usagi Yojimbo.
Panel Ends. Stay tuned tomorrow for more reveals from Playmates TMNT Nick line right here on TNI.
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