New York City. An old menace returns. New mutations arise. The ultimate showdown approaches. Our heroes must rise up again to save the city they love, even if it means exposing themselves for who they truly are… Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
Inside every human, there’s a dormant animal gene. Rocksteady, a criminal wanted for evading police, grand theft, mayhem and aggravated assault, is transformed… his inner animal unleashed. Lucky for Rocksteady, he’s no puppy, he’s an immensely tough, incredibly strong rhino. Watch out, Turtles, Rocksteady is on the loose!
Rocksteady and Bebop kick off a new line of statues from T.M.N.T. Out of the Shadows. The team at Vault Productions has crafted these highly detailed sculptures using the digital models from the feature film. Each statue is hand painted and looms large at approximately 1:5 scale. Bebop and Rocksteady feature real chain accessories.
You can pre-order these now at Sideshow Toy:
Release Date: Dec 2016 - Jan 2017
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