7 hours ago, InspectorZartan said:Ive thought about building a custom cabinet but honestly building it myself takes up just too much time. Maybe one of these days
As someone who has made their own custom arcade cabinet, the biggest part was finding the appropriate screen for it. Any screen nowadays is HD which makes the games look off color and is not as screen accurate as how the arcades were. I had to actually get a screen from an arcade manufacturer and install it in my cab. It was also pricey. But you can sort of get the same effect just by buying some fight sticks and loading up games on your computer. Im actually thinking of making another one thats future proof as I did my cabby around early 2000s and didnt have the technology know how(or the technology in general) I do now to incorporate more things.
On 6/10/2019 at 9:42 AM, FASVB said:Here we have the option to build a multigame platform and install it in any cabinet. You can custom made the cabinet to look like anything you want. This is cool and all, but jut one game built into it is not worth it.
Ive thought about building a custom cabinet but honestly building it myself takes up just too much time. Maybe one of these days
If any cabinet was going to tempt me it would probably be the TMNT one. That said I wish if they would make these as full size cabinets. How much extra would that really cost to manufacture? (And ship of course, but still...)
On 6/10/2019 at 1:49 PM, JayC said:your general run of the mill person who might pick this up for nostalgia and only have to pay the $180 who I think is the target market for these isnt going to spend time and money making a custom arcade cabinet like a more hardcore gamer might and f you've got time money and space to build out a real home arcade then your probably going to get the original machines.
I know, but here I saw options that cost almost the same and have lots of game options. Might not be the full cabinet, but you can play up to 4 players on a regular tv and with joystick and 6 buttons. To me seems more practical.
Looks like their Star Wars game announcement that was expected to be made today has been delayed until tomorrow.
Capcom happens to be my favorite game dev of the 90s and early 00s.. (not as much nowadays but i digress) and Marvel Super Heroes happens to be one of my top favorite games of that era. To put Xmen COTA in there is icing on the cake. I would get it for the cab art alone but I dont have the funds to support this but also because I have my own custom made arcade cab that has all these games and then some and is a regular size arcade cabinet. So really I cant warrant purchasing them.. and that TMNT cab.. oh man 4 players. It would be worth buying just to mod for the 4 player set up ALONE. these 2 are the closest to getting me to buy one of these things yet.. that Mortal Kombat cab they did recently was very close too.
1 hour ago, JayC said:How do the controls hold up over time with lots of use?
I have had family and friends use them extensively and the controls show no use of wear and tear. Everything runs smooth. The company even sends you a clear plastic overlay upon purchase to protect the control deck's artwork so no smudging goes on as well. I am very pleased with their products!
OOOH, TMNT. That's very tempting. This would be really cool to own, I'm probably a little tall for it though. Maybe if I built a stand for it I could make it work. It would be fun to have this when my nephews come over to visit.
5 hours ago, FigureKingdom said:Having owned a few of these cabs, I need both of these titles coming out! They are very reasonably priced, and pack a lot of fun. They are compact so you can fit multiple game cabs in a small place. The screens are larger than those in the 80's-90's but the overall shape of the cab is smaller. TMNT is a day one purchase as i'm a huge fan of anything turtles! I am very excited for this!?
How do the controls hold up over time with lots of use?
This is pretty awesome, not something I would go for but I really like the concept.