The Four Horsemen are sellouts! Actually, it’s the Four Horsemen’s Mynothecean Royal Guardsman that’s the sellout. After being on sale through Store Horsemen ( for a mere 78 hours, the single version of the Four Horsemen’s latest minotaur variant figure is gone. But that wasn’t your last chance to get your hands on the most colorful of all of the Mynothecean Bull-men. A select few are being set aside for a very special occasion.
The Horsemen will soon have multiple eBay auctions for signed and numbered sets of all seven of the Mynothecean Warriors including Xetheus: Champion of Mynothecea, the Guardian of the Dark Outland, the Sentinel of the Woodland Forest, the Keeper of the Black Labyrinth, the Protector of the Icy Tundra, the Defender of the Fiery Crater and the Mynothecean Royal Guardsman. Proceeds from the “Mynothecean Warriors Auctions” will go to help benefit the “Toys for Tots” program.
Xetheus: Champion of Mynothecea figures are still available through Store Horsemen for a very limited time, along with lots of other cool Four Horsemen merchandise.
Also in Horsemen related news…FANtastic Exclusive 2007’s first round of voting is coming to a close very soon! The Four Horsemen plan to move forward with round 2 voting beginning on Monday, so if you haven’t gotten your votes in yet, now’s your chance! And with two of the featured properties running neck and neck in the voting with only 20 votes separating them throughout the whole process, your vote really will count!
Just head over to FANtastic Exclusive 2007 ( and join in on the voting and message boards today!
FANtastic Exclusive 2007. The cows (or Minotaurs) have finally all come home.
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