Scott “Toy Guru” Neitlich Leaves Mattel

by Jay Cochran
October 18, 2014
Today Scott “Toy Guru” Neitlich announced via AFI that he has resigned from Mattel. As most of you know Scott was one of the marketing managers in charge of many of Mattel's collector lines such as Masters of the Universe Classics and had become the face for such brands and Mattel's online collector website

Scott hasn't said where he is going after Mattel but there has been some indication that he might soon be working with Hasbro former employee David Vonner who was last known to work at the company Spin Master.

As for the future of Masters of the Universe, Scott tells AFI in an interview that plans for the brand have been well laid out by Mattel throughout 2015 and even a good portion of 2016, and though it is possible anything could change at any time, fans shouldn't have anything to worry about for the immediate future.

What do you think about Scott leaving Mattel, is it a good or bad thing?


Last 10 comments - ( Read All Posts )
megachickmagnet - 2014-10-25 @ 12:34 pm

Here's some vague info on the subject...


Take from it what you will, but it kinda sounds like mattycollector is being absorbed by Mattel, and there won't be a replacement for Neitlich. Hopefully the lines will be managed behind the scenes and all the customer interaction will cease. It's not like any info we got was informative or the total truth anyway.

burtm - 2014-10-25 @ 12:12 am
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I bet who ever replaces Toy Guru wouldn't be nearly as active online.

The line is wrapping up. We're at the last remaining figures. I don't think it would matter anymore if his successor wouldnt be as active. The line already has an established market, so no need for much promotion, and since he also already made the videos for the figures of the last quarter of 2014 and 1st qtr of 2015.

CaptainTriumph - 2014-10-23 @ 5:34 pm

I bet who ever replaces Toy Guru wouldn't be nearly as active online.

megachickmagnet - 2014-10-22 @ 5:00 pm

No, I'll tell YOU what... Me and thousands of other fans are capable of reading between the lines. It has already been proven on more than one occasion that he is what I say he is and has done what I say he's done. I don't need to backtrack and try to google the info just to prove it to you or anyone else. This isn't a court of law. Anyone who has been paying attention for the past 7 years knows it's true.. some just choose to revise history. Face it, your either just being antagonistic and argumentative with me for your own amusement (which I'm pretty sure you are since you always are), or your really in love with the man and think he's the epitome of perfection.

But I can play this game all day, everyday... you will never win.

You are right...this isn't a court of law.

If it was you would need a little thing called evidence.

However in the court of public opinion, you can say anything you want without facts to back it up.

And people rather hear bad things than good ones regardless of whether its true or not.

Funny thing is, there is plenty of evidence, most of it in what he writes, leaving paper trail after paper trail... but I'm not going to dig for it because you say I need proof or you don't know how to use a search engine. Sadly, your more preoccupied with crying that I'm always complaining and hating on Scott Neitlich, but not once try to prove me wrong with any info on the subject. If you had been paying attention for the past 9 years, you would see why Neitlich is a charlatan. This is really just a game your playing. Every time I unleash a flurry of anti Scott Neiltich dialog, you and sometimes a few others, gravitate towards it like a moth to a flame and start your usual routines... hence you being predictable as stated in an above post.

CaptainTriumph - 2014-10-22 @ 3:53 pm

No, I'll tell YOU what... Me and thousands of other fans are capable of reading between the lines. It has already been proven on more than one occasion that he is what I say he is and has done what I say he's done. I don't need to backtrack and try to google the info just to prove it to you or anyone else. This isn't a court of law. Anyone who has been paying attention for the past 7 years knows it's true.. some just choose to revise history. Face it, your either just being antagonistic and argumentative with me for your own amusement (which I'm pretty sure you are since you always are), or your really in love with the man and think he's the epitome of perfection.

But I can play this game all day, everyday... you will never win.

You are right...this isn't a court of law.

If it was you would need a little thing called evidence.

However in the court of public opinion, you can say anything you want without facts to back it up.

And people rather hear bad things than good ones regardless of whether its true or not.

CaptainTriumph - 2014-10-22 @ 3:49 pm

I think it's because Motuc wasn't one of those lines which they expected to turn out as big as it came out nearly the same time as DCUC, ....figures made and would be sold resting on nostalgic feel is risky.....unlike DCUC which had a more positive, calculated risk for extensive production and distribution in stores such as KBs, Tru, target, kmart and walmart.......given its characters' recent and current exposures, the DC movies, the Cartoon Network series, the comics etc....same with Marvel legends.

To cut to the chase, I think the Motuc figures was worth every cent we paid for considering the figure size, articulation and accurate sculpting and paint job of the figures......motuc had a much limited market, so more likely, costs would be carried and distipributed among its limited followers (the people buying out of nostalgia)......

so it is a mix and balance of the die hard fans getting their long overdue accurate likeness figures, and the company and its people making some profit.....and at 30-35 bucks, I believe its break even for the fans and the company.....I'm not trying to be an advocate for the company, I'm just saying what I think of the deal, and it seems pretty fair to me.

The line has offered some great product for the most part.

CaptainTriumph - 2014-10-22 @ 3:48 pm

Does anyone know what the actually job roles are for the lines Neitlich was the Marketing Manager? Neitlich (and I'm not calling him Scott because I don't know him personally) gets blamed for a lot that the Product Manager is typically accountable for at most large corporations (for example the Quality Control issues). Distribution would normally be Product Managers/Sales. It seems like the issues that he would be legitimately judged on are how effective the social marketing was in terms of driving sales, whether the marketing adequately reached potential buyers, brand perception, etc.

I found some similar (though not the same) job description here https://www.linkedin...2/view/11547759 and here https://www.linkedin...2/view/18106193 and neither lead me to believe that Mattel's Marketing Managers direct the product team. Rather it looks like they are responsible for developing marketing strategies and directing product feedback back to the product team. The jobd for the director states Mattel is a matrix organization which means that people have specifically defined roles and reporting chains so someone in Marketing can't order someone in the product team to do something. They have to convince the Product Manager who would then make the decision.

Again, the flavor of each title varies from place to place but the essential frameworks at large companies tend to be the same. I'm a Product Manager at a large company and Marketing does collect feedback and give it to us. But ultimately things like QC and product offering are my call.

I think your probably right for the most part.

burtm - 2014-10-22 @ 12:40 pm

I think it's because Motuc wasn't one of those lines which they expected to turn out as big as it came out nearly the same time as DCUC, ....figures made and would be sold resting on nostalgic feel is risky.....unlike DCUC which had a more positive, calculated risk for extensive production and distribution in stores such as KBs, Tru, target, kmart and walmart.......given its characters' recent and current exposures, the DC movies, the Cartoon Network series, the comics etc....same with Marvel legends.

To cut to the chase, I think the Motuc figures was worth every cent we paid for considering the figure size, articulation and accurate sculpting and paint job of the figures......motuc had a much limited market, so more likely, costs would be carried and distipributed among its limited followers (the people buying out of nostalgia)......

so it is a mix and balance of the die hard fans getting their long overdue accurate likeness figures, and the company and its people making some profit.....and at 30-35 bucks, I believe its break even for the fans and the company.....I'm not trying to be an advocate for the company, I'm just saying what I think of the deal, and it seems pretty fair to me.

megachickmagnet - 2014-10-21 @ 3:20 pm

No, I'll tell YOU what... Me and thousands of other fans are capable of reading between the lines. It has already been proven on more than one occasion that he is what I say he is and has done what I say he's done. I don't need to backtrack and try to google the info just to prove it to you or anyone else. This isn't a court of law. Anyone who has been paying attention for the past 7 years knows it's true.. some just choose to revise history. Face it, your either just being antagonistic and argumentative with me for your own amusement (which I'm pretty sure you are since you always are), or your really in love with the man and think he's the epitome of perfection.

But I can play this game all day, everyday... you will never win.

CaptainTriumph - 2014-10-21 @ 2:23 pm

Well, with his constant videos and you hating him so much, I think his job about making the brand known worked. I don't know you personally, but if you are bashing Neitlich here online, maybe you do it offline, causing ppl who never heard of the line to hear it.

"Hating"... blah blah blah... "bashing"... blah blah blah. People say he's awesome, and I'm just posting my reasons as to why he is not awesome. People say he's responsible for the success of MOTUC, I'm posting my opinion as to why that is false. I can't help it if he happens to be a liar, swindler, deceiver, narcissist, etc. You perceive that as name calling, bashing, hating, but it's merely me stating facts about the individual. If you disagree, explain... oh that's right, you can't because you know it's true.

You just keep missing the point.

Nobody says you can't have an opinion or express your views.

However when you post hundreds of times how much you hate the guy, it gets old.

I personally never said anything to you until you had posted over 70+ posts complaining about Toy Guru.

Then it became ridiculous....and totally destroyed every valid point you've made.

Your "noise" drowned out any validity your argument had.

I'm sorry that you can't understand that but that's the way I perceive it.

So, because a person is the proverbial "broken record", that justifies complaining about the complaining, and branding such people as haters? Most people just skim through it and/or ignore it and move on. I guess it takes a special kind of member to make it a point to post about another member constantly bitching instead contributing to the debate. Honestly, I really think that you know I'm right and it bugs you... because you want to like Neitlich... but when I constantly show his true colors, you can't handle it... you use the same old excuses over and over again, but none of those excuses ever create healthy debate or disprove my points, they're just poor attempts to deflect the topic.

Tell you what...I'll make a deal with you.

Show me one piece of proof that a.) you know the man personally or even b.) you've met him one-on-one to help base your opinion of him.

Just one thing...

A photo of you near him at a convention....

A email sent between you two...

A letter received from Toy Guru himself...

Anything to validate your personal opinion of this man you despise.

Otherwise your ideas are nothing more than speculation, assumptions, and/or conclusions you have drawn from things read and seen on the internet.

Second-hand accounts from other sources don't count unless its in a court of law.

This is called a burden of proof. Its how I form opinions of people.

I believe everyone is entitled to it...even you.

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