I want the barbasol accessory more than the figure itself. ?
3 hours ago, Blackmada said:I noticed that too.
I was thinking they are going for a wet raining look.
Or they just used over glossy plastic like Super 7 frequently does.
1 hour ago, Nosferatuman62172 said:Hello Newman.
Uh, I think I had that one covered earlier.
Wow they made a figure of him incredible lol
4 hours ago, Satam said:Ned's face there is almost as glossy as his raincoat.
I noticed that too.
I was thinking they are going for a wet raining look.
Hello Newman.
Ned's face there is almost as glossy as his raincoat.
I'm pretty sure the Barbasol can is the seller here. There's going tobe Nedry figures up for sale on Ebay till the end of days.
I haven't really got into this line, but man! The details and accessories on these two are awesome! Such an iconic scene.
Oh man, I CAN'T WAIT!!!! This is my favorite dinosaur from the franchise and Nedry's so well done I can't say no to him!!!! Barbasol can tipped me over
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