Skeletor Gets A New Ride With MOTU Hot Wheels Car

by Jay Cochran
July 24, 2020
Mattle today held an online panel for their Hot Wheels brand for Comic-Con At Home. Among other things they revealed some new Masters of the Universe cars featuring a new ride for Skeletor as well as He-Man. These will be out later this Fall. Check out images below of the two cars and if you want to watch then entire panel, that is available as well.

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Last 10 comments - ( Read All Posts )
jsmooth - 2020-07-25 @ 5:11 pm
22 hours ago, sonic360 said:

Hot Wheels needs to do the Attack Trak, Land Shark, Battle Ram, Roton, etc. as vehicles. Oh, and also maybe do a Snake Mountain Playset for those vehicles.

Yes, they should in that metal line where they did the Wind Raider and the Thundertank. I still have my original 4 MOTU cars on regular cards from 2000.

jsmooth - 2020-07-25 @ 11:10 am

Will these be released carded like the regular Hot Wheels or will they be boxed?

JayC - 2020-07-24 @ 9:52 pm
1 hour ago, Gilgamesh79 said:

I don't really collect Hot Wheels but I do have a few. I'll buy that Skeletor car if I can find it. The He-Man one is just kind of blah. It should have been green and striped to be like a motorized Battle Cat.

That was my feeling on the He-Man car to.

JayC - 2020-07-24 @ 9:52 pm
3 hours ago, Mr_Scary92 said:

Will there be a MoTU panel?.


Gilgamesh79 - 2020-07-24 @ 8:36 pm

I don't really collect Hot Wheels but I do have a few. I'll buy that Skeletor car if I can find it. The He-Man one is just kind of blah. It should have been green and striped to be like a motorized Battle Cat.

Satam - 2020-07-24 @ 8:19 pm

The Skeletor rod is pretty dang cool.

80sboy4 - 2020-07-24 @ 7:22 pm

Not a Hot wheels guy but that Skeletor ride looks pretty cool, like the Wind Raider so I'll get this if I see it.

sonic360 - 2020-07-24 @ 6:48 pm

Hot Wheels needs to do the Attack Trak, Land Shark, Battle Ram, Roton, etc. as vehicles. Oh, and also maybe do a Snake Mountain Playset for those vehicles.

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