New Masters of the Universe Origins And Masterverse Listings Surface Online

by Jay Cochran
February 25, 2022
New Masters of the Universe Origins listings have been popping up from various online distributors recently which includes the following characers:

-King Randor
-Mini-comic Trap Jaw

Now we have already seen Mattel reveal official images for Digitino and Pighead which are characters that originated Sun-Man universe.

On the Masterverse from it looks like there is some kind of special 40th Anniversary He-Man figure coming. If you weren't aware MOUT turned 40 this year.

Also showing up via a site called are listings specifically for the Origins Wave 9 as follows:

-King Randor
-Mini-comic Trap Jaw

And along with those for Origins they have listed a Mystery Figure + Zoar Creature set which they say will be exclusive to BigBadToyStore and Entertainment Earth.

For Masterverse Wave 6 they are reporting the following figures:

-Sun Man
-Battle Armor He-Man

Mattel has previously confirmed that both She-Ra and Sun Man characters would be getting the Masterverse treatment. I have not yet been able to independently confirm all these listings myself, but I have confirmed enough of them from my own sources that I feel comfortable enough bringing these to your attention. Of course until Mattel officially confirms them we will treat them as rumor.
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