9 minutes ago, RobertD said:Nice! I was hoping they'd put out another properly scaled ring sometime soon. Still kicking myself for missing out on that Kane/Raw one from a year or two ago, but by the time I gathered the funds for it it had sold out (after being available for months). Couldn't get super interested in the Bischoff one they did last time around, but this will work for me.
I only wanted Bischoff from that ring but wound up getting my hands on the MNW version and I'm not a huge fan of Ultimate Edition
Nice! I was hoping they'd put out another properly scaled ring sometime soon. Still kicking myself for missing out on that Kane/Raw one from a year or two ago, but by the time I gathered the funds for it it had sold out (after being available for months). Couldn't get super interested in the Bischoff one they did last time around, but this will work for me.