Crystal Ball is looking like a straight up Mortal Kombat crossover figure! Sleeper hit this year!
Shown below are images from the Diamond Select Toys booth at this years New York Toy Fair.
2 hours ago, aca1raven said:I really don't like how we haven't gotten any updates on the Ver.4 Snake Eyes yet
Fan Stream coming on the 18th of this month. I'd be very surprised if we don't see at least a render.
9 minutes ago, BrazyBear said:Need these 2 but I bet they'll sell out faster than Power Girl...which sold out in like 30 seconds. Shout out to the 5 regular collectors and 100s of ebay scalpers who'll actually get these.
If you're willing to buy from Gamestop and Best Buy, then, like Power Girl, Hawkgirl and Supergirl are likely to be available a bit longer than from Amazon and BBTS.
23 hours ago, toynewman said:Shown below via RobDToys from ToyFair 2025 is a look at the new DC Multiverse, Page Punchers, Super Friends and more from McFarla
Need these 2 but I bet they'll sell out faster than Power Girl...which sold out in like 30 seconds. Shout out to the 5 regular collectors and 100s of ebay scalpers who'll actually get these.
My Break down of what I'm seeing here
Loyal Subjects :
Popples! My Pet Monster! Oh I love this, I need this. Jem is okay, They changed her face from what I can see....she looks like she got a 2025 facelift, I'm still waiting for action figures...As much as I think M.A.S.K. is cool, I never had any toys as a kid, I probably saw the show like twice, and I was meh on it, Not moving me.
I love seeing more of the Rainbow brite figures, I really wish I could get any of the rest in Canada
Those 2 new Iron Maiden figures look lovely, Also this Universal Monster 4 pack look like a likely buy, I like that they are doing Terrifier stuff but so far I'm good.
How does all of NECA's Sesame street figures look so fantastic!
Not paying much attention to any of that Turtles stuff since I don't collect that line, but Gangster Turtles box set! is really neat, Fun fact is I have that Comic framed on my wall.
NECA Monster Metaluna mutant inspired Krang is a thing of beauty!, I don't collect that line (although I always think I should) this might have to be a one off buy.
While I'm very intrigued by NECA's movie realization Rocksteady and Bebop, I don't think they look like they would actually fit into the 90's turtles film, mainly I think it's because they made them look like they were CGI rather then what they would have been and that's a suit and puppetry.
Super7 :
MF Doom...kinda had me excited, but it looks like a Vinyl thing, Tiamat looks amazing, And I'm very pleased with more Thundercat Deluxes.
Mondo :
Looks good, never will buy.
Nacelle :
Everything Nacelle is doing here is really tremendous, but I don't plan on collecting any of these lines
Beast Kingdom :
Looks excellent, but not for me.
Mattel :
The MOTU x Thundercats line has me the most excited,I mean everything new Origins does, but that Masterverse She-Ra oh that's nice.
Square Enix/Hi Ya :
Power Rangers....Oh EEEeek
Trick or Treat :
Okay here are Terrifier figures I want.
Okay....that Supergirl, That Hawkgirl, I want those.
Jazzwares :
Don't care.
Good Smile :
Hasbro G.I. Joe :
Okay this makes up for me seeing no Legends, So much good stuff, First off the retro toon-ish Cover-girl is a delight, Firefighter...great looking, Retro Tele-viper yesss,Cobra Pilot & C.L.A.W., darn I love that Pilot.
Night Force Beach Head and Quick Kick look amazing, but I'll pass...Darklon now we are talking, And Frag-Viper ooh la la, Footloose, Law & Order, Crystal Ball, Blowtorch!!!! wowwwie.
Brain Broke.....??
I really don't like how we haven't gotten any updates on the Ver.4 Snake Eyes yet
Tend to only collect Snake Eyes when it comes to Classified. Really excited for the bear!
Shown below from ToyFair 2025 is a look at the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Robo Tokka and Rahzar Figures from NECA.