While this is in fact my favorite Batmobile, nah, I already have several versions of this in different scales and they ain't shiny. What I really want is a version in scale for 6 or 7 inch figures, along with a movie masters type of Keaton Bats, descently priced. Doesn't have to be metal, but does need to be matte black. REASONABLY PRICED, I reinterate, Toy Companies! A nice middle ground between cheap, undetailed plastic and ridiculous over priced with electronics I will never use. Not exactly sure why that is so difficult these days.
Looks alright but idk if I will pick this up. If done for 1/12 scale figures I might.
Nope, the Batmobile was matte, that is correct. They're making this a special variant, for those who would've liked to have seen it gleam.
I don't think the car in the actual movies was all shiny and chrome looking like this, so no it isn't the Batmobile I always wanted. There's already a shiny/chromed out Batmobile like that will cost you between $5 and $8 down any aisle that has Hot Wheels on it. You can also get the shields for it and are for some inexplicable reason super super shiny. Anyway, back to the car itself and there's a super shiny version just like this complete with opening canopy and a non-shiny matte version which is what you'd actual want. Maybe I'm wrong and it is shiny in the movie, but I always remember it being flat/matte.